A Public Meeting will be held Monday, March 23, 2009, 7PM at the Redmond Junior High School to announce the application and plans for TC-4 and to seek comment from the public.
Interest may be lower this year for some of the following reasons: 1) St. Jude Parish hosted TC-4 two years ago and the community is familiar with the program. 2) The Planning Commission and Council clarified the code to be able to swiftly deal with any permit appeals, 3) the Recession has opened residents minds and hearts that people DO lose their homes and sometimes need a temporary shelter - whether it be in an apartment, a relative's home, or even in an outdoor shelter.
Interest in TC-4 will be heightened for organizations and individuals who want to help with food, clothing, or blanket donations. Call St. Jude Parish 425-883-7685 to donate or volunteer or contact Father Dave Rogerson. Last time the public was welcome to visit TC-4 without apointment after you checked in first at the gate. I spent a lot of time there two years ago visiting the residents. It was both interesting and enlightening.
The TC-4 Code of Conduct - if these rules are not respected and enforced TC-4 may be permanently closed.
FAQ about TC-4 60 -100 residents are expected. Two years ago TC-4 averaged about 40 residents. The average stay is about 3 weeks.
The Site Plan of TC-4 with diagrams of the parking lots that will be use to pitch which tents. "The Hilton" is where newcomers spend their first few nights. It looks like they moved The Hilton and Community Tents closer to NE 104th. St.
The Vicinity Map of TC-4 shows an aerial view of the church and labels the location of the tents and facilities.
The Land-Use Notice
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