For years, my wife and I were upset with how little we knew of our neighbors. Come the long, dark winter months, the whole block seemed in a state of hibernation. With the exception of a few friends, our little neighborhood of two cul-de-sacs and a hilly collector road near Redmond Junior High just never seemed to gel.
When we first heard about the Redmond police "Neighborhood Block Watch" (Watch) program I felt a spark of hope. Though, our neighborhood hasn't experienced much crime in our *22 years, the program sounded like it might bring other key benefits besides "security".
Last week we read an announcement in the "Redmond Reporter" about a "Watch" program scheduled for 5/28. I jumped at it and started calling my neighbors. It was then I realized how few neighbors I could really call "neighbors"! You know, the kind you bring popcorn to on a kid's birthday; have over for a spur of the moment snack; borrow an egg, swap a curbside story, pick up the paper when they're gone.
The police Block Watch program hosted by Community Outreach Facilitator Jim Bove (425-556-2545) was a smashing success for us! (see photo). The next program is 10/29. Many of my neighbors were interested and 5 showed up at the meeting! We are now gathering names, phone numbers, and addresses to post on a neighborhood map. Mr. Bove gave us lots of safety literature to share and the Police may send a quarterly Block Watch newsletter. We have nascent plans to build a phone tree and hope to gather for a potluck during National Night Out on August 5. Great! I may get another chance to use my new backyard patio! And, now we're in "the lottery" for a party visit from a fire truck, a councilmember, aid car, or even the mayor! Steaks on us! If all goes as planned for our "Watch" and we get at least 75% participation we will earn a "Block Watch Sign" for our neighborhood! Car prowlers beware!!
Like most, our neighborhood has gone "international" and Block Watch is already helping to connect our cultures so we can be closer to each other... more neighborly! It really works! Already I feel our neighborhood is being responsible and empowered by Block Watch. Thanks, Redmond!
*On the subject of crime: It's hit home once for us in 22 years. My company car was stolen for a day. Some pills on my front seat attracted them. Remarkably, the Redmond police found the car! Several neighbors have reported car prowlers. - especially of GPS units. View KOMO video on GPS theft HERE, with Jim Bove. One neighbor said her mail was taken. We have 1 officer for every 10,000 residents, so watchful neighbors are needed to observe and report.
For tips on starting a Neighborhood Block Watch go "here".
Neighborhood Block Watch Captains are chosen by neighborhoods to help organize the program.
To see how NOT to be a Captain view Jim Carrey's hilarious skit of Saturday Night Live "Lifeguard (captain) on Duty" - video clip here. It will keep you rolling for 6 minutes. Jim Bove played this during our break.
When we first heard about the Redmond police "Neighborhood Block Watch" (Watch) program I felt a spark of hope. Though, our neighborhood hasn't experienced much crime in our *22 years, the program sounded like it might bring other key benefits besides "security".
Last week we read an announcement in the "Redmond Reporter" about a "Watch" program scheduled for 5/28. I jumped at it and started calling my neighbors. It was then I realized how few neighbors I could really call "neighbors"! You know, the kind you bring popcorn to on a kid's birthday; have over for a spur of the moment snack; borrow an egg, swap a curbside story, pick up the paper when they're gone.
The police Block Watch program hosted by Community Outreach Facilitator Jim Bove (425-556-2545) was a smashing success for us! (see photo). The next program is 10/29. Many of my neighbors were interested and 5 showed up at the meeting! We are now gathering names, phone numbers, and addresses to post on a neighborhood map. Mr. Bove gave us lots of safety literature to share and the Police may send a quarterly Block Watch newsletter. We have nascent plans to build a phone tree and hope to gather for a potluck during National Night Out on August 5. Great! I may get another chance to use my new backyard patio! And, now we're in "the lottery" for a party visit from a fire truck, a councilmember, aid car, or even the mayor! Steaks on us! If all goes as planned for our "Watch" and we get at least 75% participation we will earn a "Block Watch Sign" for our neighborhood! Car prowlers beware!!
Like most, our neighborhood has gone "international" and Block Watch is already helping to connect our cultures so we can be closer to each other... more neighborly! It really works! Already I feel our neighborhood is being responsible and empowered by Block Watch. Thanks, Redmond!
*On the subject of crime: It's hit home once for us in 22 years. My company car was stolen for a day. Some pills on my front seat attracted them. Remarkably, the Redmond police found the car! Several neighbors have reported car prowlers. - especially of GPS units. View KOMO video on GPS theft HERE, with Jim Bove. One neighbor said her mail was taken. We have 1 officer for every 10,000 residents, so watchful neighbors are needed to observe and report.
For tips on starting a Neighborhood Block Watch go "here".
Neighborhood Block Watch Captains are chosen by neighborhoods to help organize the program.
To see how NOT to be a Captain view Jim Carrey's hilarious skit of Saturday Night Live "Lifeguard (captain) on Duty" - video clip here. It will keep you rolling for 6 minutes. Jim Bove played this during our break.
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