Friday, November 9, 2007

2/4/07 - 4 to 3 lane conversion on 166th Avenue

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Yoder []
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 10:25 AM
To: Council; Rosemarie Ives
Cc: Holly Plackett; Stewart, Sue-Safety; Don Cairns
Subject: TIP - Proposed 166th Ave NE rechannelization

RE: Transportation Improvement Projects (TIP) COMMENT. It is my understanding we have an opportunity to comment on various proposed TIP projects, at this time.

I recommend Council approve the rechannelization of 166th from 4 lanes to 3 lanes. Even my wife is now complaining of how hard it is becoming to take left turns; and the traffic "tsunami" is still off in the distance. We live near 166th Ave. right off of NE 100st.

To convenience the truck traffic (and cars following them) I agree with the idea of 4 lanes towards the bottom of 166th.

I cringe when I see students, families, and seniors walking down the narrrow sidwalks on 166th, especially where the road bends. The AVE is unsafe for bicyclists - I am one. A wider bike lane would be safer for both bicyclists and pedestrians. Cars would move slower and it would be safer for them, as well.

Three lanes with a stop light at the 104th & 166th intersection is needed...or will be soon...for student safety and circulation and access to RJH. Connecting both 166th Ave. parking lots may improve circulation. I'm not sure what to do about the buses.

The 4:3 conversion on 166th Ave. had already been tried and proven and with little public input prior to the conversion. If we keep dilly-dallying around we will lose our opportunity. One public meeting is all that should be needed -- considering CAC, council & PC meetings and other opportunities have been offerred to the public.

We paid top dollar for a professional, qualified consultant. Let's use his advice! We follow qualified consultant's advice assiduously on most other development projects. Why not here, when objective advice is most needed?

If we don't build 3-lanes with wider sidewalks and bike lanes --a racy, noisy, congested 166th Ave. will turn our quality of life into a REAL DRAG.

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