Monday, November 12, 2007

10/2, Redmond government commits to bicycles

Under the inspiration and guidance of the Cascade Bicycle Club, city council unanimously passed legislation called "Complete Streets" . The law requires a city commitment to pedestrian and bicycle accommodations in all major infrastructure projects.

The big question is: will Redmond's "Complete Streets" ordinance help to advance our neighborhoods and city towards implementing controversial projects like the proposed rechannelization of 166th Avenue? This plan would require wider sidewalks and bike lanes.
The Cascade Bicycle Club, City of Seattle, City of Kirkland, and now Redmond consider roads a "public asset" -- for all users. Complete Streets will reduce congestion & pollution and improve public health. The Cascade Bicycle Club recently endorsed Hank Margeson - the only Redmond Council candidate to be so honored. Congratulations to Hank on his endorsement! The Cascade Bicyle Club gave their Mayoral endorsement to Jim Robisnon. It may have been the Derby Day bike his was riding that swung them over!

Hey Bob! You forgot to mention that Cascade Bicycle Club has also endorsed Jim Robinson for Mayor of Redmond. They join the Sierra Club, the Washington Conservation Voters and the Redmond Police Association in endorsing Mr. Robinson.Kim Allen
Tuesday October 2, 2007 -
Hi Bob - It is true Jim has received these endorsements. The Bicycle Club, Sierra CLub and the Conservation Voters were gained by Rosemarie Ives calling in chips. I asked all union to not endorse in the Mayor's race because it appears unethical when negotiating contracts. How is a Mayor going to negotiate in good faith with a union that endorsed (or didn't endorse) them. It is too bad the police made that decision. John Marchione
Wednesday October 3, 2007 -

Bob, Let's set the record straight. Actually, John Marchione was considered in the endorsement process to try to obtain the environmental endorsements for himself. He was not selected. With respect to the various city employee groups, it's not clear where in the process he made such a request to withdraw from consideration. Now that they have selected someone else, there is some rationalizing going on. It's a shame to cast aspersions on these fine organizations by blaming some supposed intervention from our outgoing mayor. That's no way to build consensus.Kim Allen
Wednesday October 3, 2007
The Cascade Bicycle Club offers a long list of Bike & Transit resources and links. I've been a member on and off, for years. It's a great organization, especially to help beginners get started.

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