Monday, November 12, 2007

10/30, The New Arts Commission

I listened to the Arts Commissioners meet on 9/13 at City Hall chambers. The newly forming commission led by Chair, *Tom Flynn passed their Strategic Plan. Three new commissioners were recently sworn in.

One of the most positive actions the commission and city planners (Mary & Debbie) have taken was to invite the public to participate in the selection of two outdoor art projects. Citizens pay for the art the city buys to dress up their public buildings and we should have a say as to what gets approved. I hope the city asks for more public review on all of their art projects -- especially outdoor art. With public review, we should have no excuses for the art selected. THANKS to the commission, again, for bringing your art nominations to the public for review! Keep it up!

The Public Safety Building was one of two buildings awarded art reviewed by the public. The colorful artwork is ceramic tile printed and painted with historical photos of Redmond's past policemen. The Commission is collaborating with the Redmond Historical Society to gather archived photos. Robert Delgoto is the artist. No price tag was announced. It should. The commission is awarded 1% of the total cost of the the Public Safety Building remodel towards the cost of the art.

The other publicly-reviewed art was by M. Rosenberg and will be placed at Meadow Park. It makes bird whistles when stepping on an air bladder pump. Approval is pending until this "new art" is warranteed to last 20 years and without construction flaws. The commission appears to have learned from the unpopular City Hall "Silver Thaw" outdoor art. Again, no price tag is given for this outdoor art piece, but it's funded out of the Capital Improvement Plan - 1%.

The above photo is "Scooter". He's waving "goodbye". It was one of my favorite 2006 outdoor pieces, next to "Pie in the Sky". Sadly, it was announced, "Scooter" was stolen! The artist, Wattenmaker, generously donated Scooter to the city. It's market value was $6,900. (Thanks to Roy Leban, past Arts Chair for the correction). If anyone sees "Scooter" please write the commissioners at or call City Hall.

Did you know that 1.5% per capita [per art website] is taken from the general fund each year to fund art in Redmond. 1% of the cost of city capital building projects also funds art via the Capital reserves. If you don't feel you're getting your money's worth, I suggest you go to the Arts Commission meetings or write them. They want to hear your ideas, too.

Reports varied from 80 - 125 attendees to one Redmond's "Arts in the Parks" summer festival. Rain held down the turn-out. Some commissioners wanted to find ways to raise attendance . Attendance looked pretty good to me....

Arts in the Parks, Attendance

Geoffrey Castle: 250

Show Brazil: 75 (rain site)

Redmond Arts Jam: 75

Green Stage: 275

Wooden O Theater:425

Billet Deux: 130

Teen Night: 53 (rain site)

Correo Aereo 125

Thanks to Planner Mary for the attendance stats. What does it cost to put these programs on? What is the cost per attendee? Is the program's intent as much to "support the arts" as it is to provide entertainment?

Mark your calendar: Saturday, October 6, 10AM, at RTC - Starbucks meet up with the mayor and commissioners to tour the 2007 outdoor art collection -- by bus!! RSVP to . Visit for details.

Don't forget to keep your eyes out for Scooter...

* If you are following the election, Chair Tom Flynn, Vice-Chair John Stilin, and past Chair Roy Leban endorse John Marchione for Mayor.

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