Tuesday, April 19, 2016

One week left until the April 26 special election on the Proposition 1 school bond measure -- Vote "yes"!

Endorsements for Prop. 1 continue to build; more than 16,000 votes have been turned in

Ballots are due one week from today -- April 26 -- in Lake Washington School District’s Prop. 1 measure, which would help ease overcrowding while keeping the tax rate stable.

This week drivers in Redmond, Kirkland and Sammamish will continue to see teachers, parents, students and school supporters waving signs during the morning and afternoon commutes. Volunteers are also going door-to-door to talk to voters about the importance of the bond for students and schools. After failing to reach the needed 60 percent vote twice in 2014, supporters are rallying to urge voters to approve the measure this spring.

“This vote is so important for our students,” said Eric Campbell, a Lake Washington School District parent who served on the district’s 63-member long-term facilities task force. “We looked at the solutions needed to address overcrowding while not raising the tax rate. I’m really proud of the work of our task force. Prop.1 will add enough classroom space for 3,000 more students and help address overcrowding.”

Lake Washington School District is one of the fastest growing in the state, growing from the sixth to the fourth largest in the past year. The district saw an increase of 1,114 students in just one year. That’s growth of 34 new classrooms in one year.

The number of people who endorse the bond continues to grow. Legislators, mayors, PTAs, Chambers of Commerce and the Seattle Times editorial board all urge Lake Washington School District residents to vote YES on Prop. 1. For a full list of endorsements, visithttp://vote4lwsdkids.org/endorsements/

So far, 16,290 ballots have been returned as of Monday, out of 109,561 possible registered voters, according to King County Elections.

If approved, the bond will:

·        Build two new elementary schools
·        Build a new middle school
·        Rebuild and enlarge Juanita High School
·        Replace and enlarge both Mead Elementary here and Kirk Elementary in Kirkland
·        Renovate the Old Redmond School House
·        Generally reduce our use of portables
·        All without raising our tax rate
For more details on the April 26 bond, visit: www.vote4lwsdkids.org

King County Town Hall at Evergreen Middle School May 18, 6pm -- Emergency Preparedness tips -- briefing on road potholes

There will be a county town hall May 18 beginning at 6 PM at Evergreen Middle School. Emergency preparedness for the county will be there with tips and ideas, there will be a info briefing on roads in the unincorporated county AKA potholes and time for all the Council to listen to Citizen input! Hope you can join in!

Kathy Lambert, King County Councilmember

Monday, April 18, 2016

Mayor and City Council holds Town Hall in the neighborhood April 28

Redmond, WA – On April 28, 2016, City Council will launch a new series of neighborhood conversations. These forums are a casual and convenient way for residents to interact with their elected officials. Each meeting will be held in a different neighborhood venue, and the meetings will be open for residents to direct the topics—whether it’s a neighborhood issue or the vision for the City. 

“We are looking for new ways to engage with the community. We see the Neighborhood Conversation forums as a casual and convenient way for residents and Council to connect,” said Redmond City Council President Hank Margeson. 

The first forum will be held in the school gymnasium at Audubon Elementary in the Idylwood neighborhood. Community members can connect with their neighbors and elected officials, learn about City projects, and discuss issues that are important to them. The meeting will last from 6:30–7:30 pm. Council will answer questions, discuss current projects in the neighborhood, and listen to ideas and thoughts from the community. 

For more information on this forum and future Neighborhood Conversations, please visit www.redmond.gov/conversations. Each meeting will be “kid-friendly” and light snacks will be provided. 

LETTER: Redmond Central Connector is an important addition to Redmond's trail network

Redmond Central Connector: An Important Addition to Redmond’s Trail Network
The Redmond Central Connector (RCC) trail is a rail trail. A rail trail is the conversion of a disused railway into a multi-use path, typically for walking, cycling and sometimes horse riding [Wikipedia].  
The City of Redmond purchased the BNSF railroad right of way in Redmond in 2010 specifically to create a rail trail. Design of Phase II of the RCC is complete and construction will begin this summer.
While the RCC will enable easier, safer, faster pedestrian and bike access to Digipen and tech companies along Willows Road, that was never the main intention.
Rather, the RCC was envisioned as several things: First, it is a beautiful (and popular) linear park in downtown Redmond. Second, it is a means for cyclists to bypass Redmond Way and Cleveland Street to travel through Redmond from north to south (and vice-versa). And third, the RCC is an important component and connector in the Puget Sound regional trail network.
To the south, the RCC will connect directly with the East Lake Sammamish Trail and enable non-motorized travel to Sammamish, Issaquah and beyond. To the north and west, the RCC will connect to the Cross Kirkland Connector and the Eastside Rail Corridor. In the near future, one will be able to cycle by trail to Kirkland, Bellevue and Renton. Additionally, Snohomish County has purchased BNSF right-of-way and plans to develop a trail from Woodinville to Snohomish.
Traffic is an unavoidable part of life in our region. Trails enable people to walk and bike more safely – and remove cars from roads. In an ideal world, trails would be designed with no traffic intersections. Sadly, we do not live in an ideal world. Fortunately, trail intersections can be improved with signage and warning mechanisms for both trail users and vehicle operators.
There are plenty of examples of trail users and traffic coexisting peacefully. The Burke-Gilman Trail in Seattle has many intersections as does the Sammamish River Trail in Bothell and Kenmore. The East Lake Sammamish Trail has a number of intersections including an entrance to busy Lake Sammamish State Park. The relatively new Cross Kirkland Connector follows the old BNSF railbed as well, with a number of street crossings.
The Sammamish River Trail – a multi-use recreational trail where bicyclists, dogwalkers, kids, and commuters all coexist – is owned and maintained by King County. Yes it does get delightfully crowded on sunny days.  A faster, less crowded alternative trail will be welcomed by many even if it is not as scenic.
Still concerned about safety issues and traffic near the RCC? Simple solution: Use the Sammamish River Trail. I’m looking forward to biking the second phase of the RCC when it opens in late 2016!
I’m not speaking for anyone but myself; however, I have served on the Redmond Parks and Trails Commission for six years, including a year as Chairperson. Anyone is welcome to attend our Commission meetings to express his/her concerns, ideas, and questions.  We meet first Thursday of every month, 6:30 pm at Redmond City Hall.
Tom Sanko

Friday, April 15, 2016

Letter: Panhandling should be treated like a business and be regulated

I think the rules that Tacoma have on panhandling are very reasonable; they typically do not arrest or fine they just use the rules as a tool. In Redmond, if a panhandler were to stand next to an ATM and a RPD officer were to tell him to move, the panhandler could legally tell him no. Only the property owner could tell the RPD to make him leave. I look at panhandling as a business and there is no reason why it should not be regulated like any other business.

Al Rosenthal

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Why I have decided to vote "yes" for the school bond

As 33-year Ed Hill residents living on a fixed income, my wife and I had a hard time stomaching the 2014 one billion dollar combined school bond measures -- even if it meant our house would increase in value and our daughter attended K-12.  We were very concerned about our property taxes going up and the district's record of building award-winning posh schools.  Of course our schools were seriously overcrowded in 2014. Today, overcrowding has reached crisis levels.      
When Superintendent Pierce announced the $398 million April 2016 bond measure we could digest it and our concerns about property taxes and expensive schools were answered, as follows:  1) The measure will maintain 2015 tax rates, 2) Seven principles for designing practical, cost effective schools will be implemented.  And yes, the severe overcrowding will be tackled by building three new schools with increased capacity AND rebuilds/enlargements at Juanita HS, Mead, and Kirkland Elementary all for the price of $398 million. 
Eric Campbell -- a Kirkland parent and developer -- described the District's 7 principles for building practical, cost effective schools at a recent Education Hill neighborhood meeting.  Some of the highlights:  1) the district will save money by eliminating or minimizing 1-story designs, 2) aesthetics will be pleasing but not based on Award-winning architectural designs. and 3) buildings will be designed in a more compact manner i.e box/cube.  New schools will be cost-effective and practical while providing teachers and students the space they need to learn and thrive!
If you need motivation this April, the measure calls for a new elementary school in North Redmond that is expected to reduce morning and dismissal traffic congestion on 166th Avenue (since many of the Rockwell students will go to the new school.)  Also, if the proposed Middle School on Redmond Ridge is built, some traffic mitigation is likely on the Avondale corridor. 
Please vote "yes" for the April 2016 Bond measure!

Bob Yoder

UPDATED: Council decides on the homeless tent encampment ordinance, side-steps Planning Commission recommendations

My wife and I went to Redmond Council's April 12 study session on the homeless tent-encampment ordinance. In response to public outcry, the Council decided that for each encampment permit:  the hosting churches (St. Jude and RedWood Family) would be allowed only three 120 day stays, for a time uncertain, with 365 days between stays. They decided to keep the permit fee at $2,846.36 amortized over the length of the permit.  Council basically rejected the Planning Commission's far-reaching encampment recommendations and decided to support the Planning Department's Technical Committee.

A public Hearing is planned in the future so Council can review:  1) background checks for neighborhood safety and 2) improved service provider access to the camps to help the vulnerable homeless residents achieve independence.      

Council decided 4-3 (Birney, Myers, Shutz) to limit permitted stays at each hosting church to 120 days to ensure Education Hill not be burdened with year-round encampments.  It was noted by Councilmember Shutz the decision not to approve 180 day stays could affect "stability" at the camps.

In so many words, Councilmmember Stilin was concerned if the encampment permit was restricted to a five year term the hosting churches may feel pressured to hold encampments more frequently and the church congregations could burn out.  Councilmember Birney indicated a 5-year permit could attract organizers to Redmond's hosting churches.  No decision was made on the term of the permit;  Stilin asked staff for a recommendation.  

Council decided to keep the amended temporary-use permit as "Permit Type 1."  Type 1 permits are "legislative" with more restrictions on public noticing than other Land Use Permit Types -- and so can lead to unintended consequences as it did here.  For example, the city wasn't required to mail encampment notice letters to residents living within 1,000 feet of the host churches. Council relied on social media for noticing.  Letters weren't sent to the Redmond Reporter. The word on the proposed ordinance didn't spread.  Years from now if St. Jude or RedWood Church request a permit will the public will be in the dark again?   

Bob Yoder, opinion

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Council to take new direction and focus with city administration

Council President Hank Margeson announced at last night's Study Session the city plans to change the name of their "Finance and Public Administration" council committee to "Finance Administration and Communications."

Looks like Council is redirecting their priorities, much to our benefit!

Bob Yoder

The city should build less architectural award-winning community projects to be more in line with the values of Redmond citizens

I agree that Redmond needs a new recreation facility. I come from places with decent rec and community centers and I see the value a proper building brings to the community.  What Redmond has now is not adequate and a new facility needs to be built in the near future. That being said...$70,000,000.00?  Let me just say that again....$70,000,000.00!!! That's a huge sum of money for a rec and community center and clearly the City of Redmond hasn't learned the lessons of LWSD. Redmond citizens don't want to pay for show pieces. We want safe pleasant buildings that are efficiently constructed....not buildings to win architecture awards. What if it was a $50,000,000 rec center? $40,000,000.00? 

Same with the issue of the downtown park. The City of Redmond presented two options: do you want THIS $30M park or THAT $30M park?  Another huge sum of money for a park  will mainly be a showpiece to impress and win awards. What if we instead had a $20,000,000.00 downtown park? Would that be so much less impressive? Would a $20M park be more in line with Redmond values? 

If the City of Redmond got smart and presented options more in line with the values of the citizens of Redmond, then bonds would pass and we'd have enough money for rec centers and parks AND homes for the homeless. The money is there. Its a matter of priorities.  

Marlene Katz

Editor's Note:  the Rec and community center planned includes an aquatic center and new youth center.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Students, families, community members rallied in support of Lake Washington School District's bond

Tuesday’s event at Margaret Mead Elementary in Sammamish highlighted the need for the April 26 bond

Mead Elementary in the fast-growing Lake Washington School District is so crowded that students are served lunch outside – dodging crows – and then return to their classrooms to eat.

Addison Smith, a third grader at Mead, told a crowd gathered Tuesday morning in support of bond, what that means for students.

“This is important because we do not have enough space for students to successfully learn and grow,” 9-year-old Addison said. “We don’t even have a good place to eat. We don’t have a cafeteria..our salad bar is set up in the courtyard, in the rain, and we have to carry our lunch back to our classrooms.”

There are 600 students at Mead, in a school designed for 449 students. And enrollment continues to increase.

Mead is one of several projects on Lake Washington School District’s April 26 bond. After failing to reach the needed 60 percent vote twice in 2014, supporters are rallying to urge voters to approve the measure this spring.

The event at Mead Elementary was part of a districtwide Red Tuesdayevent. Supporters were near schools during the morning commute, waving VOTE YES signs. You can find photos and videos on social media #Yes4LWKids and #redTuesday

Eric Campbell, a Lake Washington School District parents and one of the 60-plus community members who served on the district’s long-term facilities task force, explained that the bond will reduce the number of portables and help alleviate overcrowding, all at no tax rate increase.

“The Lake Washington School District is one of the fastest growing in the state
In fact, we’ve grown form the sixth to the fourth largest this year alone,” Campbell said. “We saw an increase of 1,114 students in just one year. To paint a picture, that’s growth of 34 new classrooms in one year. But we don’t have the space to house those students.”

If approved, the bond will:

·        Build two new elementary schools
·        Build a new middle school
·        Rebuild and enlarge Juanita High School
·        Replace and enlarge both Mead Elementary here and Kirk Elementary in Kirkland
·        Renovate the Old Redmond School House
·        Generally reduce our use of portables
·        All without raising our tax rate

City hosts an April 21 public meeting to comment on the Downtown Historic Core

Redmond, WA – The public will have opportunities to provide feedback on proposed amendments to policies and regulations that will guide new development in Redmond’s first business district, the Historic Core. 

“The Historic Core is a special place including over 100 years of architectural history and is part of Redmond’s unique identity,” said Mayor John Marchione. “The Historic Core Plan will bring together new and historic in a cohesive way that embraces the City’s individual story.” 

The Historic Core is centered on Leary Way and includes the area from Bear Creek Parkway to NE 80th Street and from the Downtown Park to 164th Avenue NE. Half of the City’s 16 historic landmark buildings are located in the Historic Core, and proposed amendments to policies and regulations will guide new development in relationship to these and other buildings that contribute to the Historic Core’s character. 

Opportunities for the public to review and comment on proposed amendments include: 

• An open house on Thursday, April 21, 2016 from 4 to 6 pm at City Hall (Bytes Café), 15670 NE 85th Street. The event will include a brief presentation, materials for review and comment, and opportunity for discussion; and 

• The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7 pm on April 27, 2016. 

The Planning Commission will consider additional proposed updates for the Historic Core through September 2016 and will hold public hearings periodically during this time. For more information, seehttp://redmond.gov/Government/PublicHearingNotices

For questions and more information contact Kimberly Dietz, Senior Planner, atkdietz@redmond.gov or 425-556-2415. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

UPDATED: EvergreenHealth public hospital to vote on expanding the Board of Commissioners from 5 members to 7 members

Editor's Note:  At their April 19th regular public board meeting. EvergreenHealth’s Board of Commissioners approved the resolution to expand the King County Public Hospital District No. 2  (EvergreenHealth) board from five to seven commissioners.  The resolution requests that King County Elections places a proposition on the August 2 election ballot to allow the registered voters in EvergreenHealth’s district to decide on the expansion. 

My wife and I went to the meeting. I was surprised that no one else showed up.  I thanked the Board and Superintendent for considering the recommendation to expand the Board and encouraged a more Open Government. 

While at the meeting we learned that If the proposition passes on August 2, EvergreenHealth's Board of Commissioners will appoint two interim commissioners to serve until the November, 2017 election.   In the November 2017 election, candidates will run for two new "member at large" commissioner positions.  This information was not included in the hospital's April 19 press release.  You had to go to the public meeting to learn about it. 

Kirkland, Wash. – EvergreenHealth’s Board of Commissioners is considering a recommendation to expand the Board of Commissioners of King County Public Hospital District No. 2 (d/b/a EvergreenHealth) from five to seven commissioners. A formal resolution, which will request King County Elections to place a proposition on the Aug. 2, 2016 election ballot, will be reviewed for vote at the Board’s regularly scheduled meeting on April 19, 2016.  
As a public district health care system, EvergreenHealth is governed by a Board of Commissioners, each of whom is elected by the voters in the district to serve a six-year term. The Board currently has five commissioners; one from each of the three sub-districts (Kirkland/Kenmore, Bothell/Woodinville/Duvall and Redmond/Sammamish) and two at-large positions. Current members of the Board of  Commissioners include: Al DeYoung, board chair (Bothell/Woodinville/Duvall), Jeanette Greenfield, secretary (At-Large), Rebecca Hirt (Kirkland/Kenmore), R. August Kempf (Redmond/Sammamish), and Charles Pilcher, M.D. (At-Large).
Since formation of King County Public Hospital District No. 2 in November 1967, the Board of Commissioners has been comprised of five members. The Formation Committee believed that a board of five commissioners would be appropriate and allow for future growth of the district. At the time, northeast King County had just over 22,000 residents and Evergreen General Hospital (as it was known then) could adequately serve this population with its original 76 licensed beds and 15 medical specialties.
Now, the total population within the boundaries of the district is nearly 300,000 residents and the total service area includes nearly one million residents spanning two counties. With a 318-licensed-bed tertiary hospital at the Kirkland campus, 74-licensed-bed community hospital in Monroe, 10 primary care locations throughout the Eastside and east Snohomish County, three emergency departments, two urgent care facilities, nearly 1,000 members of the medical staff and 30 specialty care locations, EvergreenHealth has expanded services to meet the area’s growth. During its 44 years of serving the community, EvergreenHealth has grown to one of the largest employers on the Eastside with gross revenues exceeding $1 billion – currently employing more than 4,000 people who provide care to our entire community.
“As the community continues to grow in size, diversity and complexity, the Board seeks to mirror that growth to continue to meet the needs and broaden the viewpoint and representation of the community,” said Al DeYoung, chair of EvergreenHealth’s Board of Commissioners. “We also seek to increase the number of commissioners to help provide oversight within our ever-increasing, complex health care environment, with added expertise and a broad mix of skills and leadership styles among commissioners.”
“Typically, health systems of this size and complexity have larger boards,” said Bob Malte, CEO of EvergreenHealth. “We have a very engaged and effective Board of Commissioners, and adding two additional members will further enhance the ability to serve our growing community.
The Board provides governance and has ultimate responsibility and accountability for EvergreenHealth’s mission, vision and purpose, quality, service and overall effectiveness, through the CEO.
Board meetings are open to the public, and public comment will be taken at approximately 6:35 p.m. PST at the April 19 board meeting, located in room Tan 250 on the Kirkland campus.

If you have questions, concerns or requests, please contact us at patientrep@evergreenhealth.com. To learn more about EvergreenHealth, visit www.evergreenhealth.com.
About EvergreenHealth
EvergreenHealth is an integrated health care system that serves nearly one million residents in King and Snohomish counties and offers a breadth of services and programs that is among the most comprehensive in the region. More than 1,000 physicians provide clinical excellence in over 80   specialties, including heart and vascular care, oncology, surgical care, orthopedics, neurosciences, women’s and children’s services, pulmonary care and home care and hospice services. Formed as a public hospital district in 1972, EvergreenHealth includes a 318-bed acute care medical center in Kirkland, a network of 10 primary care practices, two urgent care centers, over two dozen specialty care practices and 24/7 emergency care at its Kirkland, Monroe, and Redmond campuses. In 2015, the system  expanded to include EvergreenHealth Monroe – an accredited, full-service 74-bed public hospital district, established in 1960 in Monroe, Washington. EvergreenHealth has clinical and strategic partnerships with several health care entities, including Virginia Mason, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and dozens of independent practices that are part of the clinically integrated EvergreenHealth Partners network and  the Puget Sound High Value Network. In addition to clinical care, EvergreenHealth offers extensive community health outreach and education programs, anchored by the 24/7 EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline.
In 2016, EvergreenHealth achieved its seventh designation (2009-2012, and 2014-2016) as a Distinguished Hospital for Clinical Excellence from Healthgrades®, placing it among the top 5 percent of hospitals nationwide, based on its outstanding clinical performance; and was named one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals® by Truven Health Analytics™ in the “Large Community Hospitals” category for outstanding achievements in patient care, operational efficiency and financial strength.
For more information, visit www.evergreenhealth.com.

Citizen recommends Sammamish River Trail improvements to promote safety and traffic flows

Letter by Brent Schmaltz to city planner Carolyn Hope
Carolyn, as you are aware, a cyclist was injured in Bellevue the last week of March 2016. The cyclist was hit by an automobile and thrown 100 feet. The cyclist was admitted to the hospital and was in critical care. The accident occurred where the biking trail near I-90 crosses a roadway on 118th Ave SE. This is indicative of the type of accident that occurs when automobiles cross trail ways.
Carolyn, your current plan is for the City of Redmond to develop a hiking, biking trail alongside the major Willows roadway.  It will pass through 8 intersections with automobiles. In these intersections, automobiles will need to cross the trail to access businesses or partake in other activities in Arena Sports, Overlake Church, Willows Golf Course, 60 Acres Soccer Fields. Your main argument for investing in this improvement stems from the desire to provide cyclist a route to get to the technical hub near DigiPen.
I suggest it is possible to have those cyclists use the Sammamish River Trail and then improve the trail alongside Overlake Church perhaps on the Puget Power Trail or along side Willows Golf course.  You resisted as this would require cyclists to ‘go out of their way’. However, anyone cycling from Woodinville or the East side of the Sammamish River Trail will have to ‘go out of their way’ to use this new trail, unless however the Puget Power Trail is improved....which would result in NO interaction with automobiles right to DigiPen. 
We also discussed that cyclists who have lived on Education Hill for 25 years have not been provided with a way to cycle to the trail, it was mentioned a plan is being developed but, ‘it is not optimal and cyclists will need to go out of their way’.
I agree that providing a safe cycling route to this technical area is a worthwhile investment. I disagree with the scale of the improvement and the plan to promote this trail as a recreational area. Providing a safer cycling route could be achieved simply by paving the trail or finding an alternative. I believe that substantial investment in this area to make it ‘park like’ is not well spent. That money should be spent along the natural place for a park, the existing Sammamish River Trail. While the intentions seem to be in the right place, I feel the plan developed by the City of Redmond is not in the best interests of the residents of Redmond.
I have proposed to both King County and The City of Redmond a better place to invest that will provide for existing and future residents of Redmond that would be safer (no interaction with automobiles), more enjoyable (it is by a river) and provide for an simpler traffic alternative route around Redmond.  The alternative is to work with King County to improve the Sammamish River Trail:
1.       Would have no interaction with Automobiles, therefore there would be no such accidents such a noted above.
2.       Maintains the ability to develop a natural traffic pattern from 520 / Leary Way to Woodinville and north Redmond.
a.       The current high density building in downtown Redmond merges with travelers who use 202 to get to the north end of Redmond or Woodinville.
b.      By developing this new trail, the complexity to widen Willows is increased.
I feel there has been some excellent work performed by King County and City of Redmond with regard to cycling. Bellevue is way behind our efforts, but we have the river a natural corridor. On this particular issue, I think we are missing the mark.
Brent Schmaltz.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Opinion: St Jude's encampment organizer - SHARE - needs to reform their ways

 I couldn't make the "EdNHA neighborhood association" meeting last Thursday but Hank Myers  mentioned four SHARE Tent City organizers were there. No loss. I've heard their story many times.  In SHARE'S mission statement says they empower their homeless residents -- NO WAY:

1) they don't encourage or welcome on-site human service providers. 
2) they don't encourage the outside community--us--to socialize with their residents over a meal so we can get to know each other and provide mutual support. 
3) when my neighbor brought canned foods SHARE (in homeless "clothing") took the donation without welcoming my neighbor into THEIR camp. 
4) when I made an appointment to hook up SHARE with a local mental health provider SHARE never showed up. They don't take nor share human service literature with their residents. 
5) they don't encourage community service of their residents. 

Their mission statement says they empower their residents. NOT. Over my many years of visiting the St Jude camp I find SHARE are in fact, homeless activists. Yes, they help homeless survive by providing a tent, a required clean blanket once a week, and bare bones hygiene care. SHARE does not empower them to find housing, jobs, health services, a network with each other and the community 

>> St Jude offers internet service, pays for utilities, offers tent and meeting space, pays permit fees. The congregation does all the heavy lifting. Not all churches want the homeless near them. I attended a service at the Presbyterian Church on our Hill where the pastor preached he didn't welcome the homeless to his church services, nor want them around. If SHARE reformed (and the city could motivate them to reform by requiring rules that would empower residents) than my family would be more involved in caring for them. 

Bob Yoder

Seattle Times Editorial:  


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Council appoints Kristi Wilson to Redmond Police Chief, faces city homeless and heroin abuse issues

Tonight, the City Council appointed Ms. Kristi Wilson as the City’s Police Chief, replacing Ron Gibson who has retired.

According to the city website, "Kristi has served in several operations and administrative managerial roles and has held increasingly responsible positions within RPD over her 28-year career. Within the City and beyond the Police Department, Kristi has also served as a key contributor to several citywide budget, service, and efficiency initiatives from Budgeting-by-Priorities (BP) to the current City Hall Customer Service Center efforts.

Kristi has a BA in Sociology from Central Washington University, a Masters in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University, and is a 2012 graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy (FBINA). Her broad law enforcement background and experience, coupled with her insights and knowledge of our community and our department, make her an ideal candidate for this critical public safety leadership position."

In my opinion, Chief Kristi Wilson is coming on in a time of serious need to manage the safety challenges of our growing homeless population and heroin abuse problem. Kristi will have to work closely with Redmond's Assistant Human Resources Director, Colleen Kelly -- and neighboring cities -- to work on these problems.

Bob Yoder

Monday, April 4, 2016

UPDATED: EvergreenHealth public hospital signs a 15-year, $14,421,457 lease for commercial space in Kenmore

At an October 16, 2015 groundbreaking ceremony the MainStreet Property Group LLC revealed their vision for a new mixed-use project across from City Hall in Kenmore. The LINQ at Spencer Square will feature 94 modern residential flats and lofts, along with approximately 20,000 square feet of commercial space leased to Kirkland-based EvergreenHealth.  

EvergreenHealth public hospital will pay cash on a 15-year, $14,421,457 lease for the commercial space.  

EvergreenHealth’s plan for the space will serve as gateway for patients to gain access to an integrated network of primary, specialty, urgent, and emergency care services. When the building opens, EvergreenHealth will move its Kenmore primary care practice from its current location to the LINQ, increasing the practice’s footprint and adding more capacity for specialty care.

EvergreenHealth taxes residents $.2681 per assessed value.  The hospital collects over $15,822,629 annual levy taxes from over 400,000 residents and 155,000 taxpayers.    

By Bob Yoder

King County Public Hospital District No. 2, -- registered with the State and Seattle Times for public noticing as "EvergreenHealth" -- was established in 1972 to serve citizens in north King and south Snohomish counties.  EvergreenHealth district boundaries include Bothell, Duvall, Kenmore, Kirkland, Redmond, Woodinville, part of Sammamish and parts of unincorporated northeast King County.  The District’s specialties include a maternity center, a cancer center, hospice and home health care, 24-hour emergency care, a critical care unit, cardiac care and surgical services.

https://www.evergreenhealth.com/governance-and-leadership   This is the "Governance and Leadership" page which includes Commissioner Public Meeting Minutes.  But, this link hides the "Governance and Leadership Page" by redirecting you to the front page of the EvergreenHealth.com website.  From there navigate to:  "About Us" to find the "Governance and Leadership" page and Meeting Minutes.

EvergreenHealth Public Records Officer, Laurene Burton's Public Disclosure of March 23, 2016 requested by Bob Yoder.  Contacts:  425-899-2667  lhaburton@evergreenhealthcare.org


CC:  Various media

Friday, April 1, 2016

Lake Washington School District bond ballots coming soon

Registered voters will receive their ballots for the April Special Election in early April. 

King County Elections is scheduled to mail the ballots on April 6. 

Ballots must be returned or postmarked by April 26

The Lake Washington School District Proposition No. 1 Bonds to Reduce Overcrowding and Enhance Student Learning Environments is the only item on the ballot. For more information on the specific projects funded by the measure, go to www.lwsd.org. Please vote!

The Future of Fun, April 6

Redmond, WA – Join the City Parks & Recreation Department in-person or online on April 6, 2016, to help shape the future of fun in Redmond! We’ll be unveiling highlights of our updated plan based on collective input from community meetings. We have incorporated ideas from resident into new projects, including a replacement community and aquatic center, that will set the stage for the next 15 years.   Read More >>

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Councilman John Stilin holds a "coffee hour" for citizens every Tuesday at Midori Bakery

Councilman John Stilin meets with citizens on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00pm prior to City Council Committee and Council Meetings.

Beginning, April 5, 2016, Mr. Stilin will be holding his regularly scheduled "coffee hour" from 3:00-4:00pm at Midori Bakery located at 16505 Redmond Way, Redmond, WA 98052.   If this time or location isn't convenient (yes he's aware people work during the day), citizens are encouraged to contact him via email to setup a mutually agreed upon time that works for them.  John's email:  JCSTILIN@redmond.gov

Sustainable Redmond to Host Earth Day Community Conversation

April 25th meeting to address local environmental trends since 2011

How has Redmond’s environmental quality changed over the last five years?  As Earth Day approaches, Sustainable Redmond is hosting an open community meeting on April 25th to discuss where we have been, where we are and where we might want to focus our environmental efforts in the future.  The session will be held from 6-8:30pm at the Redmond Library.

In November of 2010, the City initiated a community conversation to shape a number of policies that were incorporated into Redmond’s last Comprehensive Plan.  Besides the environment, economic and social factors were also addressed by City and community participants.  (See the final report of Livable Redmond: A Community Conversation on Sustainability at the link below.)  One of the report’s recommendations was to hold periodic meetings to update the community on environmental initiatives and identify topics of public interest.  Sustainable Redmond is hosting this follow-up conversation in the spirit of that recommendation.

Representatives of the City administration, environmentally-oriented organizations and the general public have been invited to join in a thoughtful appraisal of environmental themes that emerged five years ago.  We will review where they can be found currently in City planning documents or budget priorities and how progress in these areas is measured.  This meeting also offers the chance to identify additional public or private measures that could be taken to improve our environment.  

Please plan to join us and bring a friend.  RSVPs would be appreciated to info@sustainableredmond.org.

About Sustainable Redmond:  Citizens & Neighbors for a Sustainable Redmond is a grassroots organization focused on local sustainability.  The group’s mission is to be a catalyst for moving Redmond’s citizens, businesses and local government towards sustainability through education, advocacy and community events.  Sustainable Redmond was formed in 2010 and became a state and federally-designated non-profit organization (501(c)3) in 2012.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

LETTER: Tent City 4 does not limit human services or job finding resources

     I have been reading your blog, especially about the proposal to change permitting for encampments.  I wanted to take the time to introduce myself.  My name is Trey Nuzum, the bookkeeper for Tent City 4, the Eastside encampment for SHARE. It is my understanding the next association meeting for Educational Hill will be April 7th next week, and we will be sending representatives to this meeting.  
      I think your blog is relevant to what is going on in Redmond and the public should be informed.  However, I do feel like SHARE was misrepresented in your March 16th edition (revised 3/30).in that our organizer does not limit human services or job finding resources. Many of our residents are involved in improving their quality of life through the VA, Social Security and other slow moving governmental offices.  Our goal is to make people "less homeless" until they get into proper housing.  Today alone I sent out three resumes for our residents to find jobs or better employment.  Further, this was following a meeting with a gentleman who wants to connect Tent City 4 residents with work in construction where he has a need.
        There will always be those who equate the homeless to the criminals.  However we don't tolerate criminal behavior in our camp.  We also work closely with King County Sheriff's office and currently Sammamish Police Department.  I can provide contacts in the department if you wish to contact them about our behavior in Sammamish.  Although I can't change the mind of Albert Rosenthal as of yet, I would like to make sure you are informed of what Tent City 4 is about.  It would be nice if you could relate some of this to your readers.
        This is very important to us.  We go into some areas under scrutiny, and natural biases about the homeless.  After people get to know us and see us as the people we are, and not a group to be discriminated against, they change their attitudes and see us as a positive group in their community.
        In closing I want to make sure you understand I am hoping to create a bridge here, and I welcome a response and/or questions from you.  What you are doing is important.
     Thank you,
       Trey Nuzum

Blood Drive at City Hall, April 6

I am asking for your help.

Our inventory levels are critical as we are currently almost 700 units below optimal inventory to support patients in our community.
The demand for blood never stops and there is no substitute for blood:  patients in hospitals undergoing surgeries, ERs treating traumatic injuries, patients receiving treatments for cancer, and surgeons performing organ transplants all depend on a stable blood supply. 

Will you donate and save up to three lives?

Wednesday, April 6th
City of Redmond
Bus on Plaza- Next to City Hall
15670 NE 85 St
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
(closed 11:00 am to 12:00 pm)