Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Marchione Calls on County to "Turn Down the Volume"

September 1, 2015

Redmond, WA – Mayor John Marchione has sent a letter to King County Executive Dow Constantine and Sheriff John Urquhart saying “Marymoor Park needs to act like a good neighbor and turn down the volume,” after the weekend concerts featuring Sublime with Rome & Rebelution. While Marymoor Park is a King County facility that is outside of the Redmond City limits, Marchione called upon the County to honor Redmond’s noise ordinance immediately.
 “The music’s level was completely unacceptable. Household windows shook during the whole concert,” said Marchione. “The County needs to take responsibility for their events.”
The Mayor was particularly upset that calls to the King County 911 dispatch were met with indifference. Callers were told to contact the Redmond City Council, which has absolutely no jurisdiction over Marymoor Park. 
Redmond and King County have sparred over noise levels since the concert series inception, over a decade ago. Noise levels have varied from year to year, but last weekend’s levels were the highest and most disturbing of this season.

Councilmember John Stillin emailed the Mayor and County elected officials on Saturday night about the noise problem residents were facing.  Thank you John.

Brightmont Academy Relocates to Redmond Town Center to Serve More Students

Private school specializing in one-to-one instruction for 6th-12th grade students adds more learning rooms, new campus design to meet student needs

SEATTLE, WASH.  August 19, 2015 – Brightmont Academy, a private school specializing in one-to-one instruction, is moving to a new location that will meet the needs of more students. Beginning its 16th year serving the Seattle metro area, the campus includes additional individual learning rooms, a science lab, a new homework studio and a full kitchen.

Brightmont Academy specializes in one-to-one instruction where one experienced teacher works with one student throughout every learning session.  Read More >>

Monday, August 31, 2015

Ross Hunter is appointed to Department of Early Learning

Statement from House Majority Leader Pat Sullivan on Rep. Ross Hunter’s appointment as director of the Department of Early Learning:
“The House Democratic Caucus has always been a leader in early childhood education, and Ross has been an integral part of our efforts. Anyone who has worked with Ross knows he’s a fierce and capable advocate for what he believes in. We will definitely miss his budget expertise and insight, but this is good news for the young children of Washington and their families, and for the Department of Early Learning.”

Friday, August 28, 2015

Video of Mayoral Candidate Steve Fields Vision for Redmond and Why He's Running for Mayor

Watch Mayoral Candidate Steve Field's short video on why Steve's running for mayor and his vision for Redmond. Click this link for the video:  https://youtu.be/MaQZYLC4J8I

Redmond at the end of the ice age: What the Bear Creek Site tells us

Saturday, September 12th
Robert Kopperl, Ph.D.
SWCA Environmental Consultants

Archaeological research near the mouth of Redmond’s Bear Creek has shed new light on early Native American lifeways in the Puget Sound Lowlands at the end of the Ice Age and has led to national attention.  Since 2008, SWCA Environmental Consultants has been conducting investigations for the City of Redmond as part of a salmon habitat restoration project. The stone tools that have been found at the site tell us a great deal about the early inhabitants of the area, what their technology was like, and how they made a living over 10,000 years ago.  Other more subtle clues help paint a picture of the landscape on which these people lived. In the first public presentation of information since the big excavation in 2013, archeologist Dr. Robert Kopperl will share a wealth of new information. He is speaking courtesy of the City of Redmond this coming Saturday morning.

Enjoy a relaxing morning at the Redmond Historical Society Saturday Speaker Series, a monthly program that features eight speakers addressing topics of local, state and Pacific Northwest historical interest. The series is held 10:30am – noon at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th St., Redmond, WA.   Doors open at 10:00 am.  $5 suggested donation for non-members. Speakers subject to change. For details: www.redmondhistoricalsociety.org.

LETTER: Inflection Point of Growth in Redmond? By Bart Phillips, CEO of Redmond One

Inflection Point?

Whether you call it a tipping point or inflection point, it is my belief that when we look back in 15-20 years we will see that we are at one of those moments in time in the transformation of Redmond's two downtowns.  It's being driven by multifamily residential development.

I will admit that as an outsider 18 months ago that I was a little taken back by the sheer number of new multifamily developments in downtown.  The City reports that in the last several years almost 1,000 units have been built in downtown and Overlake.  Another 1,153 units are under construction.  And the reported vacancy rate is in the low single digits despite all of the new product on the market.  What I find even more stunning is that there are another 1,575 units in permitting.  Read More >>

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Lake Washington School District aims to reduce and manage concussions among high school athletes

Efforts aimed at reducing, better managing concussions in football and other sports
Redmond, Wash. – This fall, Lake Washington School District (LWSD) is implementing a comprehensive program aimed at reducing and managing concussions among high school athletes in the district. This program has several parts: "Heads Up" concussion training for all football coaches; neurocognitive testing that can help determine if a student-athlete is concussed; and replacing all football helmets that have lower protection ratings.
“As doctors and scientists have learned more about the effects of concussions, it has become clear that we need to put more protections in place for students most at risk,” noted Dr. Traci Pierce, superintendent. “We want to approach this issue from a prevention standpoint first as well as appropriately managing concussions that do happen.”  Read More >>

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

City asks residents for voluntary curtailment of water use

Redmond, WA - The City of Redmond announced today that it is joining Cascade Water Alliance, Seattle Public Utilities, Tacoma Water, and the City of Everett in asking residents and businesses for voluntary curtailment of their use of water by 10 percent of projected current use due to continuing drought conditions. 

The City of Redmond along with Bellevue, Kirkland, Issaquah, Tukwila, Sammamish Plateau, and Skyway Water and Sewer Districts, is a member of the Cascade Water Alliance. As such we get the majority of our drinking water from the Seattle water. Historic low river levels, combined with record-setting hot and dry weather have significantly increased the demand for water. These reductions in water use will help the region further maximize its water supply for people and fish. 

“We are asking Redmond residents and businesses to cut back their current water usage by a minimum of 10 percent”, said Mayor John Marchione. Here are a few suggestions: 

• Let the grass go dormant 
• Limit landscape watering to twice a week and water before 8 am or after 7 pm 
• Take shorter showers 
• Fix leaking faucets and toilets 
• Postpone new plantings until fall 

“This is the time for Redmond residents and businesses to heighten their conservation efforts, as we move into a dryer than normal end of summer and early fall”, urges Marchione. 

For more information on the voluntary curtailment announcement and how the city is cutting back usage; visit www.redmond.gov/redmondsaveswater or contact the City of Redmond Utility Billing Office at 425-556-2152 and for more water efficiency tip and how to use water wisely visit www.cascadewater.org. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ross Hunter responds to Supreme Court $100,000/day fine

The following is a statement from House Appropriations Committee Chair Ross Hunter (D-Medina) in response to today’s order from the Washington State Supreme Court:
"The Supreme Court released a new order in the McCleary case this morning, holding the state in contempt and fining it $100,000 per day (to pay for basic education) until it resolves the remaining issues, including both the unconstitutional dependence on local levies to pay for basic education personnel costs and the cost of construction of new classroom space. They also expressed concern about the pace of the phase-in of class size reductions.
"It’s important to know that the phase-in plan in the budget we passed this year completely pays for the class size reductions called for in the McCleary order. The court recognized the work done by the Legislature in funding class size reductions, but seems to be concerned about the phase-in of lower class sizes.  There is some confusion in how the cost of this investment is described in various documents, and we will work with the court to clarify this. The attached chart shows the level of funded class size and those recommended by the task force the court refers to. 
"House Democrats proposed a joint process to resolve the personnel cost issue with the Senate and Governor’s office and passed legislation (HB 2239) putting the process in place on June 26th. The Republicans in the Senate refused to take up the bill or offer any alternative.
"I share the court’s concern about finalizing the plan sooner rather than later. Governor Inslee has called a meeting of all four caucus leaders for Monday to create a public process to resolve these issues expeditiously."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Redmond Historical Society Announces Speaker Schedule

The Redmond Historical Society announced the schedule for its 2015-16 Saturday Speaker Series that begins on September 12th at 10:30am at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center. The series features eight speakers addressing topics of local, state and Pacific Northwest historical interest. 

“We have another great line-up of speakers this season including Paul Dorpat who has been writing the Seattle Times column Now & Then for over thirty years,” says Sherry Stilin, Chair of the program. “Our topics range from the exciting archaeological discovery behind Redmond Town Center to Puget Sound military history to a murder mystery. There is something for everyone.”  

The Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center is located at 16600 NE 80th Street, Redmond, WA.  Doors open at 10:00am with the program beginning at 10:30am. There is a $5 suggested donation for non-members. The Redmond Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. For a more detailed description of each speaker and topic, please see the Society website at www.redmondhistoricalsociety.org.  Speakers are subject to change.

Saturday, September 12th
Redmond at the End of the Ice Age: What the Bear Creek Site Tells Us
Robert Kopperl, Ph.D.
Cultural Resources Principal Investigator, SWCA Environmental Consultants
Speaking courtesy the City of Redmond

Saturday, October 10th
The Triple Nickle:  Black Paratroopers in Washington State during WWII 
Robert L. Bartlett, Ph.D..
Eastern Washington University
Speaking Courtesy of Humanities Washington

State Funds All-Day Kindergarten at Four Lake Washington Schools this Fall

Expands to all schools in 2016-17
Redmond, Wash. – Four Lake Washington School District (LWSD) elementary schools will provide tuition-free all-day kindergarten to its students this fall thanks to new state funding. Those four schools are Einstein Elementary (Redmond), Frost Elementary (Kirkland), Muir Elementary (Kirkland) and Rose Hill Elementary (Kirkland). About 72% of kindergarten students statewide will be eligible for state funded all-day kindergarten in 2015-16.
For this school year, families who opt for all-day kindergarten in the 27 other district elementary schools will still pay for the second half of the school day. State funding pays only for half-day kindergarten in other district schools. Half-day kindergarten remains free to families in those 27 other schools.
The budget recently passed by the state legislature included the increased funding for all-day kindergarten that will allow the addition of four LWSD schools in 2015-16. It also included full funding for all-day kindergarten in all public schools in the 2016-17 school year.
The state of Washington gradually has been increasing the number of schools in the state that are funded for all-day kindergarten since 2007-08. They began with funding for schools with the highest level of poverty. This is the first year that any school in Lake Washington School District has received state funding for all-day kindergarten. The state is moving toward all-day kindergarten because research shows it offers opportunities for long-term educational gains, especially in the areas of reading and mathematics.

City Council not happy with the medians on 166th Avenue

The city council was almost unanimous in their dislike for most of the median installations on 166th Ave at last night's study session.  They will have another study session in the future to consider tearing out four or five of them.  Councilman Myers called them "an expensive mistake" though everyone agreed the two medians for pedestrian crosswalks were valuable and should stay.

By Bob Yoder

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Redmond Historical Society gets grant to research area poultry history

Redmond, Washington, August 10, 2015: The Redmond Historical Society has received a Heritage Project grant from 4Culture of King County—totaling nearly $7,000—to help research and document the history of the chicken farm industry in Redmond, which goes as far back as the 1920s. The effort will culminate in a presentation to the community about the once-prevalent poultry business.

According to the grant narrative, “poultry, especially egg producing, was once big business in our state. It is the story of immigrants, family farms, co-operative marketing associations, exports, and internationally recognized scientific breeding.” Today there is not much physical evidence of this era in Redmond’s history—and with the exception of the Morelli farm, “there is scant written information.”
The project will be implemented in phases. Initially, Society volunteers will be collecting first-hand accounts from surviving family members who were part of this era in Redmond history. Pierre Bruneau, 85, whose parents moved to Redmond in the mid-1940s and started Skyline Poultry Ranch on land that is in today’s North Redmond neighborhood, is one such example. The research will also seek to collect information on the Redmond activities of Heisdorf & Nelson, an internationally known poultry breeding business that at one time had its headquarters and a hatchery in the area of today’s Microsoft campus. The interviews will be handed off to a historian who will utilize secondary sources to identify some of the earlier farms and provide the broader, historical context of the larger forces that impacted the development and decline of the poultry industry in the Redmond area.
The findings of the research are targeted to be presented as part of the Redmond Historical Society’s Saturday Speaker Series in the fall of 2016.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Nokomis Appeal before the Hearing Examiner, by Paige Norman


Appeal before the Hearing Examiner for the City of Redmond; appellants Keith Brewe, Curtis Nelson, Rosemarie Ives, The Nokomis Club and Redmond Historical Society regarding “162TEN” {Natural and Built Environments (NBE)}; File Nos. LAND-2014-01610 and SEPA 2015-00017.
The appeal regarding LAND-2014-01610 was heard on July 9 and 10th, 2015 and will be decided by Sharon Rice; Hearing Examiner for City of Redmond, Washington on August 7th, 2015.
There is also a SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) appeal SEPA 2015-00017 in the works.  An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is in the process of being written.
Please refer to “Source Documents” below for detailed information regarding the appeal.  Read More>>

LETTER: HealthPoint Clinics at the Together Center

LETTER:  When the Affordable Care Act took effect, the hope at the Together Center was that indigent clients would be covered and the HealthPoint clinics would get some added revenue.  Ironically, what happened was people starting switching from HealthPoint to providers closer to their homes, or started going to Evergreen or Swedish because they thought those were “real” doctors.  HealthPoint has Board certified physicians, offers a broad variety of services including alternative treatments, dental care and a pharmacy, all in a really first class facility.  If you still do features about Redmond, please consider HealthPoint.

By Hank Myers

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Free parking at Redmond Central Connector lot

Redmond, WA - Beginning today, visitors to Downtown Redmond can park in the Redmond Central Connector (RCC) lot and enjoy up to four free hours of parking. The parking rate for more than 4 hours is $5.

“Many businesses and residents have been asking for more parking options throughout Downtown. Opening up spaces in the RCC lot is one solution that will make it easier than ever for everyone to explore all that Downtown Redmond has to offer,” said Mayor John Marchione

The RCC lot, which opened on December 16, 2013, features work done by Artist John Fleming. The striking 10-foot rings in alternating blue and yellow were designed to draw attention to the grove of trees left standing when the parking structure was built.

The lot has 92 parking spaces, two of which are for disabled drivers. Operating hours are 9 am -7 pm, Monday through Friday; parking is free for the first 4 hours during this time, as well as on weekends and holidays. The lot’s address is 9541 Leary Way and is managed by Diamond Parking.

If you have any questions, contact Kimberly Keeling, Transportation Programs Administrator, at Khkeeling@redmond.gov or 425.556.2451. This press release is available on www.redmond.gov.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Redmond Historical Society creates partnership with Coldwell Banker Bain-Seal

Redmond (July 27, 2015)—Coldwell Banker Bain | Seal real estate brokers Bliss Ong and Cynthia Olsen have formed a unique partnership with the Redmond Historical Society in an effort to help raise money for the Society.

Each time a Redmond Historical Society member, or friend or relative of a member, buys or sells a home with Cynthia and/or Bliss, they will donate an amount equal to 10 percent of their commission to the fund.

Coldwell Banker Bain | Seal established its Community Partnership program as a way for the company and its brokers to give back to the organizations that are committed to the welfare of our communities. Since the program was created in 1988, Coldwell Banker Bain | Seal brokers have donated more than $1.59 million to over 650 non-profit organizations in Western Washington.  Read More >>

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Keller Farm Wetland Mitigation Bank

Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond purchased approximately 83 acres of floodplain on the Keller Farm to facilitate environmental restoration. The area in question is located north and west of Bear Creek and east of Avondale Road.
The city has contracted with Habitat Bank LLC to create a state certified wetland mitigation bank on the property. Habitat Bank will design, permit and install environmental enhancements on the area. Habitat Bank will be responsible for site maintenance, and will maintain the site for at least ten years after restoration work is complete to ensure the establishment of the native plants.
Late last week, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Washington Department of Ecology issued a Joint Public Notice for the Keller Farm wetland mitigation bank proposal. This is the first step towards agency review and approval of the proposed mitigation bank under the State of Washington Wetland Mitigation Banking Rule.
“This action signifies the start of the process towards a large environmental restoration project on the Keller Farm. We are very excited to see the project come to fruition,” said Redmond Mayor John Marchione.
The conceptual goals of the mitigation bank are to: restore wetland hydrology and create a variety of wetland hydroperiods (seasonal patterns of ponding depth and duration); reestablish native plant species richness and structural diversity in wetlands, project buffers, and riparian areas; reconnect segments of Bear and Perrigo Creeks with their floodplains and reestablish channel complexity; increase habitat structure, function and complexity; and improve water quality in wetlands and creeks. The project also proposes to establish off-channel rearing and refuge areas for salmonids and relocate a segment of Perrigo Creek from a straightened ditch. Preservation of this portion of the Keller Farm complements a 30-acre mitigation project completed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) in 2013 (immediately east of Bear Creek).

Thursday, July 23, 2015

City Council approves $10,000 for city Poet Laureate

In Tuesday's Consent Agenda, City Council approved $10,000* to hire Shin Yu Pai as the city's Poet Laureate for the 2015-2016 year. 

The purpose of the Poet Laureate according to the city is to:

1. Broaden the awareness of poetry.
2. Express the spirit of Redmond culture through poetry.
3. Raise the level of discourse during discussions and debates in the City.

"Redmond tax dollars at work."

Opinion by Bob Yoder

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Redmond's Ben Wobker - owner of Lake Washington Physical Therapy - "Gives Back" to Eastside community

Reprinted:   Monday, August 22, 2011

Ben Wobker and Mandie video-tape client running on the treadmill
  during "gait analysis" 
Ben and Mandie evaluate and video client walking
Ben Wobker, P.T., community leader and owner of Lake Washington Physical Therapy, performed a free "gait analysis" for 30 Eastside residents on Saturday morning.  The event was advertised on the clinic's facebook page and word of mouth.
UPDATED:  If you've been to any Redmond High School basketball, football, or cross-country sporting events you've probably heard of Ben Wobker.  Ben, the son of  Horace Mann teacher David Wobker, graduated from RHS with seven letters in Football, Cross-country and Leadership honors.   Ben is an award-winning* physical therapist and runs a successful eastside therapy business.  To me, three words describe him best: Ben Gives Back...to his community!  
Ben analyzes gait with client and makes recommendations
Every year Ben councils Coach Villineuve's highly ranked Cross Country teams with free "gait analysis" and discounts on shoes. Once the co-owner of Redmond Physical Therapy, he offered free fittings and discounts on knee and ankle braces for Mustang teams. You'll also see Ben at high school career fairs and mentoring students in his clinic. But, Ben's food drive efforts with HopeLink may be his biggest community contribution. Two years ago, Ben started "March Can Madness" -- a competition between Redmond businesses -- to collect the most food from their customers for HopeLink. To this day, Ben still waives the $30 fee for missed appointments with a food donation!  Next year, Lake Washington Physical Therapy will sponsor HopeLink's "Turkey Trot" fundraiser.  
After eight years service as co-owner at Redmond Physical Therapy, Ben decided to expand his brand to Kirkland. Last month he celebrated his first year as owner of Lake Washington Physical Therapy.  Already he plans to hire a 4th therapist! Mandie Majerus, PT worked with Ben for years in Redmond. Both graduated from University of Montana. (Mandie's entering the Iron man in Canada; she worked as a therapist in Antarctica for a year!)  Some trivia:  In Washington, many insurance companies don't require a physician referral to see a physical therapist.    
Brooks, Mizuno, Asics track shoes fill the display windows. Ben contracted "Everyday Athlete" to sell the shoes. "Even though Kirkland's downtown vacancy was 22% last year we still had to meet "non-medical retail" zoning requirements," said Ben
*Ben Wobker was voted "2010 Best Physical Therapist" by the readers of Eastside's "425 Magazine".
Ben's Bio,  Address:  209 Kirkland Ave., adjacent the Heathman Hotel. 425-629-3502.  Directions.
Opinion and Report By Bob Yoder
Photos By Yoder

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Letter To Editor: Nokomis Building Relocation Plans

Paige Norman sent  this letter to the Redmond Reporter: 

Thank you for printing my letter about the campaign kick-off for Mayoral Candidate, Steve Fields in your July 10th edition (pages 4 and 5).

I was somewhat taken aback by the Editor’s Note added into my submission as it directed readers to the Nokomis story on page 2 and 3.  I did not consent to the insertion of the note; which was bad enough.  In addition, the story regarding the Nokomis building was not accurate in reporting the commentary and decisions of the Redmond City Council during their July 7th meeting.

During that council meeting, Rosemarie Ives, former Mayor of Redmond and community activist spoke during the “Items from the Audience” segment about the Nokomis building, and read a few selections from the roughly 25 pieces of correspondence sent to the City; including stories of children from Redmond Elementary being escorted from the school to the building (at that time used as the town library). Women were granted the right to vote in 1920 and 14 years after that in 1934 the women of the Redmond Nokomis club petitioned the WPA for funds to build the library building.  It was noted in her speech that not only is the building of historical significance, but the property as well.

Council members on the whole were supportive of the move, however it was very clearly stated that the city would only be donating the park property if the funds for moving the structure were privately raised.  One council member suggested that the amount necessary to move, stabilize and make the building functional for public use was “a rather high cost” for a building that is “not a landmark, but a building of historic interest”.

Mayor Marchione clearly stated that there would be a time limit in which the funds (for moving the structure) would need to be raised in order for the City to continue the donation of the park land and that there would be no delay of the permitted project by NBE while the funds were being raised.   NBE has offered to spend roughly $40,000 to incorporate ‘elements and materials from the Nokomis building’ into the new development.  A placard and a few pieces of lumber in a meeting room is a poor memorial to the women of Redmond who provided the town with its first library.

The City may feel that $600,000 is a “high cost” to maintain a piece of our city’s history; but losing our past is a price that we should not be willing to pay.

Paige Norman
Education Hill, Redmond, WA

Friday, July 10, 2015

MSN Ranks Redmond's Saturday Market #39 of 100

July 11th at Redmond Saturday Market
Chez Jane Garlic Spreads
For the Gourmet in You...
Jane Rabay has been a Redmond Saturday Market vendor since 2002! Her company was created from a desire to lead a healthier lifestyle. A portion from the sales of all Chez Jane Garlic Spreads is donated to help the wonderful people of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in their fight against cancer!

There are a variety of garlic spread flavors to choose from - Original, Garlicky (extra garlic), Parmesan, Sundried Tomato, Herbs de Provence, Basil, and Chipotle. Jane also makes a mustard and sells gift sets!

Chez Jane will be in Booth #23 this Saturday!

Jake Nannery will be performing on main stage from 12:00-2:00!

The band lineup includes Jake Nannery on guitar and vocals, Ramon Salumbides on bass and Mike West on drums. The group, who have been playing together off and on since 2007, seamlessly fuse musical talent with joy of performance, and give the crowd every reason to keep moving!
Next Weekend - Hawaiian Day


July 18th is our annual Hawaiian Day celebration at the market! Join us for music all day long and a special traditional Hawaiian Hula performance from 11:00-1:00!
We Made the Top 100!
Redmond Saturday Market is #39 on MSN's list of the 100 Best Farmers Markets in America for 2015!
This is what MSN had to say about Redmond Saturday Market:

#39 Redmond Saturday Market, Redmond, Wash.

"Redmond Farmers Market serves its community every Saturday from May through October. With over 70 vendors a week, the market has its fair share of herbs, produce, fish, breads, honey, and meats. The market takes into account every member of the community, large, small, and furry. There are always activities planned for kids and the local pet adoption center often brings cats and dogs looking for their forever homes."

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Council Grants Parkland for Potential Nokomis Building Relocation

Redmond, WA - Last night the Redmond City Council authorized the Mayor to offer land at one of two Redmond parks for a potential relocation of the Nokomis building. Parks Director Craig Larsen presented the estimated costs to move the building to either Arthur Johnson Park or Martin Park. By soliciting bids and from his experience in Lynnwood, Mr. Larsen presented the Council with estimates ranging from $193,440 to $228,384 to relocate the building. That would be on top of the City’s donation of the land, estimated at a value of $130,000. A community fundraising effort, led by OneRedmond, will begin to raise the revenues to cover the moving costs.

“As Redmond moves forward, it’s important to preserve ties to our City’s past. The Nokomis House was spearheaded by a proactive group of Redmond women during the Great Depression, built by the Works Progress Administration and became a central gathering place. Moving it to one of our beautiful parks for all to enjoy will benefit the entire community”, stated Mayor John Marchione.

Built in 1933, the Nokomis House was home to Redmond’s third library.

If you have any questions, contact Lisa Rhodes, Communications Manager, at larhodes@redmond.gov or 425.556.2427. This press release is available on www.redmond.gov.

NAMI Eastside's Second Annual Fundraising Breakfast Gala

"Building Solutions Together" 
Keynote Speaker: Sue Rahr
Executive Director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
 Member of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing and
Former King County Sheriff
Tuesday September 15th 2015 7:30 to 9:00 am
Maggiano’s Little Italy, Bellevue
NAMI Eastside is hosting its second annual fundraising breakfast gala! Come join us for a delicious breakfast while supporting a great cause by helping all those affected by mental illness in our community!
 All of NAMI Eastside’s programs and services are provided to anyone in need at absolutely no cost including:  Read More >>

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Opinion: Campaign Kick-off for Steve Fields, Candidate for Mayor of Redmond

Steve Fields at Downpour Coffee

Campaign Kick-off event for Steve Fields running for Mayor of Redmond.  The event was held at 6 PM, on Thursday, June 25th, at the Downpour Coffee Bar in Redmond 

Approximately 50 people attended the event, including former Mayor Rosemarie Ives, and representatives of business, youth and community enterprises from Redmond and Kirkland.  Steve Fields was actively meeting and talking to the attendees, as was his wife Ronni and son Jackson.