Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Redmond Historical Society Announces Speaker Schedule

The Redmond Historical Society announced the schedule for its 2015-16 Saturday Speaker Series that begins on September 12th at 10:30am at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center. The series features eight speakers addressing topics of local, state and Pacific Northwest historical interest. 

“We have another great line-up of speakers this season including Paul Dorpat who has been writing the Seattle Times column Now & Then for over thirty years,” says Sherry Stilin, Chair of the program. “Our topics range from the exciting archaeological discovery behind Redmond Town Center to Puget Sound military history to a murder mystery. There is something for everyone.”  

The Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center is located at 16600 NE 80th Street, Redmond, WA.  Doors open at 10:00am with the program beginning at 10:30am. There is a $5 suggested donation for non-members. The Redmond Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. For a more detailed description of each speaker and topic, please see the Society website at  Speakers are subject to change.

Saturday, September 12th
Redmond at the End of the Ice Age: What the Bear Creek Site Tells Us
Robert Kopperl, Ph.D.
Cultural Resources Principal Investigator, SWCA Environmental Consultants
Speaking courtesy the City of Redmond

Saturday, October 10th
The Triple Nickle:  Black Paratroopers in Washington State during WWII 
Robert L. Bartlett, Ph.D..
Eastern Washington University
Speaking Courtesy of Humanities Washington

Saturday, November 14th
Now & Then: From Redmond to LaPush
Paul Dorpat and Jean Sherrad
The Seattle Times

Saturday, January 9th
Mercer Island Murder Mystery: A New Look at an Old Case
Tom Hitzroth
Chair, City of Redmond Landmark Commission

Saturday, February 13th
History of the Sammamish Valley News
Jeanne Gustafson
Journalist, Newsletter editor - Redmond Historical Society.

Saturday, March 12th
The National Coast Defense System and the Fortification of Puget Sound, 1894-1925
David M. Hansen
Author and Historian - specialty in military architecture.

Saturday, April 9th
The Olympic: The Story of Seattle's Landmark Hotel, 1924-2004
Alan J. Stein
Staff historian for HistoryLink

Saturday, May 14th
Ben Franklin Crafts & Frames: The History of Redmond’s Iconic Store
Bob and Shirley Ferguson – Owners

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