Thursday, July 9, 2015

Council Grants Parkland for Potential Nokomis Building Relocation

Redmond, WA - Last night the Redmond City Council authorized the Mayor to offer land at one of two Redmond parks for a potential relocation of the Nokomis building. Parks Director Craig Larsen presented the estimated costs to move the building to either Arthur Johnson Park or Martin Park. By soliciting bids and from his experience in Lynnwood, Mr. Larsen presented the Council with estimates ranging from $193,440 to $228,384 to relocate the building. That would be on top of the City’s donation of the land, estimated at a value of $130,000. A community fundraising effort, led by OneRedmond, will begin to raise the revenues to cover the moving costs.

“As Redmond moves forward, it’s important to preserve ties to our City’s past. The Nokomis House was spearheaded by a proactive group of Redmond women during the Great Depression, built by the Works Progress Administration and became a central gathering place. Moving it to one of our beautiful parks for all to enjoy will benefit the entire community”, stated Mayor John Marchione.

Built in 1933, the Nokomis House was home to Redmond’s third library.

If you have any questions, contact Lisa Rhodes, Communications Manager, at or 425.556.2427. This press release is available on

1 comment:

  1. +/- $200K to move this building a few miles? Gads, that seems incredibly expensive, even at today's prices.

    I treasure historic buildings and think they should be saved whenever possible.

    But this building? Meh.

    I grew up in a house built by the Army Corps of Engineers, in the same style and era. There is nothing really significant about the structure itself worth saving IMO. You can find hundreds (if not thousands) of them all over the Seattle area, still doing SFH duty. Now when they have all been torn down save for one, then save that last one.

    My $.02
