Showing posts with label Stilin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stilin. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mental Health Court and Emergency Preparedness are 'studied' by Council

City Council Study Session with City Directors present

Updated:  The City Council and staff are pictured above in their September 29th  "Study Session."   Council President Nancy McCormick chairs the sessions twice a month on Tuesdays.
The Directors and Council were in session to get emergency preparedness "training" on how they fit into the  "Incident Command System" (ICS) program.  ICS is a nationally mandated standard cities must follow to qualify for federal funding disaster relief.  Pictured with backs to us, giving the training are (l-r) Mayor John Marchione, Emergency Specialist Tom Osborn, and Deputy Fire Chief Tom Norton.

Stephanie D. Mapelli, President of Leadership Eastside, was a first presenter at the Study Session. Leadership Eastside is a three-year teaching program that promotes connections, develops and enriches emerging  leaders, and provides a catalyst for communities.  John Marchione, Jeni Craswell, Hank Margeson, and Tom Flynn are a few who have graduated from the program.  Arts Commission Chair, John Stilin and Deputy Fire Chief Norton are "on deck".  The student mix is:  60% profit, 20% government, and 20% non government non profit.

Ms. Mapelli brought up the issue of Mental Health.  She stated that pretty much everyone knows someone afflicted with a brain disorder.  She commended Mayor Marchione and Councilmember Hank Margeson on their work through Eastside Leadership, to push for a suburban  Mental Health Court.  (The hard work has been done by our leaders, yet, the suburban mental health court is delayed by lagging taxes of the poor economy).

Council President Nancy McCormick usually holds a "council talk time" at the end of the session.   Hank Myers said that 70 citizens showed up at a weed-pulling work party at a city park.   Mr. Myers is known for biking to these programs with his large clippers.

Would you like to see how LWSD "sessions" compare to the city's sessions?   They are strikingly different.  Come back and see? 

story and photo by Bob Yoder
updated to correct "Mental Health Court" link. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Urban Musical Instruments - a new art idea for Redmond

Chrisopher Janney - creator of "urban musical instruments"

Opinion: The Arts Commission (left) was LIVE on RC-TV May 14 hosting Christopher Janney, architect, jazz musician, and world renowned "sound and light installation artist". Awesome. Mr. Janney integrates music and lighting with architecture to stimulate social interaction and gathering in public places. The best way to understand the nature of Christopher's creative work is to view this video (2m) highlighting some of his installation art from around the country.

Paraphrasing Arts Commission Chair John Stilin: 'Art connects people. The purpose of Art in Redmond is to build community. Art brings people together. It's what gets people talking together.'

Before the meeting, John Stilin and staff took Mr. Janney on a tour through the city to brainstorm for ideas on Cleveland Avenue and the Downtown Park. Mr. Janney suggested: linear street lighting transformed into 'musical instruments' as pedestrians walk by. Also, "Sonic Trees" in a plaza could "act as a magnet" to citizens by the music they generate from human activity.

Christopher Janney was impressed with Redmond's nature and technology assets. He perceives nature and technology as harmonic. Mr. Janney looks at his installation art as enhancing the work of a landscape architect.

Christopher Janney is an impressive, incredibly creative individual, specializing in "thinking outside of the box." Janney has a B.A. in Architecture from Princeton, 1973 and is a jazz musician, winning the prestigious New York Talent Poll in 1975. He has a Masters in Environmental Art from M.I.T. Janney's thesis was: "SOUNDSTAIR: The nature of environmental / participatory art." The Arts Commission has really done their homework bringing Mr. Janney to Redmond. I hope he will 'enhance' our Downtown someday.
