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Showing posts with label Feilds. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

UPDATED: Plymouth Housing "Lunch & Learn," Together Center

 Rendering of the downtown Redmond
Plymouth project

The Together Center is hosting a Plymouth Housing "Lunch and Learn" event on Tuesday, August 13, 12 - 1:30 PM.  The Together Center is located at 16305 NE 75th Street, Redmond.

The purpose of the event is for the community to:  

1) learn about Plymouth Housing permanent supportive housing services for the chronic homeless.   

2) fulfill the City requirement to develop  community relations plan for the downtown Plymouth - Redmond project and asks for topics of your interest;   

3) organize a "Community Advisory Group" (CAG.)  The event invitation and CAG application is HERE. (RSVP is strongly recommended.)

The CAG will develop operation plans, review the plans, share feedback, and support ongoing community engagement.  

City Council deliberated on the development and importance of the CAG in last week's Study Session meeting.  Councilmember Osman Saladuhhim strongly recommended involving community members in the advisory process even if they aren't formally on the CAG.  Councilmember Steve Fields noted some residents have fears and recommended they apply.

According to Plymouth's website, King County has a "goal of developing 4,000 units of Permanent Supportive Housing by 2050."  Plymouth-Redmond will house 100 chronic homeless individuals.    

-- Bob Yoder, 7/19/2024