Monday, July 29, 2024

UPDATED: Council Plans Public Hearing On "Climate Commitment Act" Initiative

The Mayor made a precedent-setting exception to RCW #427855 when she opened "Items From the Audience" in City Hall last week.  The RCW code prohibits public testimony on candidates, initiatives and measures - pro and con - during Council business meetings.  Setting precedent by using a new "tool" Mayor Birney and council agreed a city Hearing was necessary for Initiative No. 2117.  Her exception brings up the question of why a Hearing couldn't be scheduled for the Plymouth decision.     

Mark your calendars for a potential October 3 Council Hearing in City Hall on ballot Initiative No. 2117 repealing sections of the "Climate Commitment Act."  The repeal would increase greenhouse gas emissions throughout the State and forfeit $1M in Supplemental funds. The city already received $2.2M from the Act to advance critical climate mitigation/resilience. (Supplemental funds would be allocated for electric charging stations and transportation infrastructure.) 

City Council strongly opposes State Initiative No. 2117.  The Hearing will give  public an opportunity to learn about the measure and weigh in. In short, the initiative will repeal the market-based "cap and invest" carbon program -- which reduces greenhouse gas emissions -- and will prohibit carbon tax credit trading.  It's possible, but doubtful a repeal could increase costs of fuel recipients and fuel suppliers.  

Council has a deep commitment to environmental sustainability.  In 2020 they declared a "climate emergency" and adopted a 30-year plan for the community to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.  They have worked closely with the city Legislative coordinator to make the Hearing happen; and in conjunction with other jurisdictions.

The Climate Commitment Act has already generated $3.25 billion statewide for forest protection, transportation projects, electrification efforts, wildfire prevention, salmon recovery, tribal investments and more.  

Source:  7/23 Council Study session and "Council Talk Time" memos.

Reported by Bob Yoder

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