Thursday, June 27, 2024

Circle of Life - Moving On


Our roundabout way of getting places in Gibraltar. 😊 (The Mayor should place some art or greenery
in her roundabouts, especially on 164th.) 

It is nice to be back home and with a fresh perspective after touring Europe for 16 days. I've decided, even more so, that Redmond needs not just news reporting but a "trouble-maker" (like me) to opine, to bring balance, accountability and government transparency to our community.  We deserve more than what the Mayor is delivering right now, especially with regard to King County's push for promised "harm reduction" of homeless housed in our two urban centers. 

In the Ives' Administration, Redmond Reporter editor John Huether gave me my own monthly column, "City Watch."  My first column was published February 14th, 2007: "Tent City moves in at St. Jude."  Yes, the homeless problem in Redmond reaches back 17 years, even with affordable housing.  If I were to have a column today it would focus on mental health, especially focusing on EvergreenHealth's progress in furthering community behavioral health care and improving their governance process. 

My daughter Lexie, born at EvergreenHealth (LWSD K-12) is having a baby boy this summer.  I'll be writing and "watching" less often and some day leave Redmond altogether to be with my extended family. I'm writing with a sense of urgency in this circle of my life.  

-- Bob Yoder, 6/27/2024

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