Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Camouflaged Goose Nest On Sammamish River


 Canadian goose nesting on tree snag in Redmond / credit John Reinke 

In 2020, John Reinke took this amazing photo of a Canadian goose nesting her offspring in a 20-foot tree-trunk snag. Note the camouflage!  The snag is located in the 90th-Street Run-off Pond designed to clean water entering the Sammamish River. 

The dead tree was cut down in 2023 during a $1M city restoration project to improve drainage from the pond into the Sammamish River.  Since then the goose and other waterfowl haven't returned to build nests.

Mr. Reinke lives in Redmond, WA.  He's an avid nature photographer focusing on city wildlife living along a downtown segment of the Sammamish River.  

-- B. Yoder, 

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