Saturday, May 13, 2023

EvergreenHealth Commissioners Confronted by Nurse and Service Unions

EvergreenHealth, Supported by District Taxpayers

Twenty-one staff from the Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare 1199 NW spoke to the Board and expressed concerns and complaints regarding:

  1. wages, 
  2. working conditions, 
  3. patient and staff safety, 
  4. recruitment and retention, 
  5. excessive patient wait times, 
  6. cost of living in the area, 
  7. the reputation of EvergreenHealth, 
  8. medical benefits coverage, 
  9. and safety and support for home health nurses. 
  10. A patient expressed concerns about the current direction of EvergreenHealth and shared that she and other patients are looking for other healthcare providers. 
  11. Several speakers expressed their pleasure in working for EvergreenHealth and their desire to partner with EvergreenHealth to resolve the issues, but all indicated that changes are needed. 

The guests provided the Board with a stack of letters and notes from union members expressing their concerns and desires.  Comm. McLaughlin thanked the guests for attending and providing the Board with their perspectives and assured them that the Board takes their concerns seriously.

Source: EvergreenHealth Board of Commissioner Regular Meeting Minutes, March/April, 2023 

-- Posted by Bob Yoder, 5/7/2023

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