Monday, January 9, 2023

UPDATED: Mayor Angela Birney's 2022 Year-In-Review

Mayor Birney / credit Hopelink

Hello Residents, 

Different cultures celebrate the start of a new year in very distinct ways. For most, it's a time to rejoice, pause, and reflect on the past and future. A sense of normalcy returned in 2022 and provided an opportunity to build upon the lessons learned over the past few years. We have so much to be thankful for in Redmond, and I'd like to share some of the City’s accomplishments this past year: 

Environmental Sustainability: In the area of environmental sustainability, we worked with the community to preserve and enhance our natural environment. And now it’s easier than ever to see that progress through our new Environmental Sustainability Data Dashboard. We completed a Climate Vulnerability Assessment to advise our long-range environmental planning efforts. And we partnered on programs and challenges to bring resources to you, such as the Redmond Climate Action Challenge and Energy Smart Eastside. Together, we planted trees, shrubs, and ground cover to expand and enrich Redmond's natural environment. 

Connected Community: Creating connections and opportunities in our community continues to be an ongoing priority. Thousands enjoyed the return of Derby Days and the new elements to Redmond Lights. The City awarded lodging tax funds to over 22 Redmond events, and the Parks and Recreation Department returned to full in-person programming last year. We broke ground and are making tremendous progress on the new Redmond Senior & Community Center, which will soon offer arts, events, and recreational options for residents of all ages.

Infrastructure: City staff continued to work with and support Sound Transit’s light rail project in Redmond, bringing dependable access and connection to the region. And we continued to invest in our infrastructure by completing current projects and being awarded nearly $4.5 million in grant funds to leverage other transportation projects. 

Future Focused: Thanks to your involvement and input, we made significant progress in our Redmond 2050 initiative to update the City’s vision for the next 25 years. Our Development Services Center has been busy issuing over 6,000 permits for the construction of 3.2 million new square feet of commercial and residential buildings. 

Housing for All: This added 153 more units to the City’s affordable housing portfolio and approved over 200 affordable units for the near future. The City redoubled its commitment to ensuring housing stability for everyone by contributing $4 million to the Together Center project, which is creating 280 affordable housing units in the heart of Downtown Redmond. 

Thrive Program: As part of our Thrive program, the City’s mental health professional made over 800 contacts with community members needing assistance. Through our nonprofit partners, we distributed over $500,000 in emergency financial assistance funding, which helped more than 600 families. In 2022, our city’s homeless outreach administrator placed 75 individuals into housing. 

Public Safety: Redmond Police and Fire departments continued to keep us all safe, which reflects our public safety staff's ongoing commitment and dedication. The Police Department became the only Autism-certified department in the state and was again accredited by a program that certifies the department is operating under best practices and standards for law enforcement. Along with solving two homicide cases, including a 2011 cold case, we conducted online child exploitation investigations and arrested numerous child predators. 

I’m proud to share the Fire Department maintained one of the nation’s highest percentages for cardiac survival (57.7%). 

Fiscal Responsibility:" In 2022, you helped shape the City’s budget by sharing your voice on what’s most important to you. We used your input to create our 2023-2024 biennial budget that will guide Redmond’s programs for the next two years. 

Regional Leadership: [Lots] Our work is not confined to Redmond city limits. Bringing Redmond’s voice to regional and state discussions ensures that our Redmond community needs are being met when larger decisions are being made. They create opportunities to influence policies, access grant funding, and support the health and welfare of our residents. In 2022, we were able to get state funding for our Senior & Community Center; we received a federal grant for the completion of the Redmond Central Connector; and we received funding for many transportation projects. This year, I’ve had the pleasure of serving as the President of the Sound Cities Association, which represents 38 King County cities and provides a regional voice for more than one million people. And I was also honored with the Scott White Regional Leadership Award for taking on challenging regional problems. 

These are just a few of our accomplishments. They reflect our shared values and strengthen our vision of a healthy and thriving Redmond for generations to come. The work and progress continue as we welcome the start of the new year. All of us at the City of Redmond remain committed to delivering the level of services you expect and deserve. And thank you for your input and participation. Without it, Redmond wouldn't be the great place it is today or what we envision it will be. 

I wish you and your family good health and a safe and Happy New Year! See you next time.

-- Angela Birney, 1/9/2023

Video of Mayor Birney's 2022 Year In Review

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