Monday, November 28, 2022

Opinion: Redmond Is Losing It's Charm; Will woonerfs Bring It Back?

Six-story Redmond Square on 166th Ave. neighborhood arterial 

"I live across from new apartments being built…more high rises , more traffic , etc etc . Too much and the charm disappears ! Redmond Downtown Park a nice meeting place and events like Redmond Lights great! But noise is increasing and traffic is worse … and charm may disappear!!"

Linda T.   11/28'2022
Source: "Friends Who Like Redmond Neighborhood Blog"

"Our small, semi-rural town. Whatever happened to the Woonerfs with which Planning Staff confronted us poor Planning Commission Schmucks for months?"  I'm tired of thinking of my time spent there.

F. W. 11/28/2022  FWLRNB

Mr. Pantly, a "green developer" of value is very pleased that his woonerf aka "living street" is the first in the city.  It's adjacent to his "micro" apartment building covered with art.  Last time I heard, Council is very excited about the prospects of a woonerf for the huge "Value Village" apartment project.  And a woonerf is planned for Redmond Square!  Trending!!  However, please know woonerfs slow traffic considerably.
-- Response by Bob Yoder, 11/28/2022

What's a wooderf?  Also known as "Living Streets."  They began in the Netherlands.  Pedestrians can use the full width of the public road; bicycling and playing is also allowed.  Drivers may not endanger pedestrians or hinder them; if necessary they must stop. Furthermore, they need to be twice as careful regarding children. Pedestrians may not obstruct traffic unnecessarily.  Speed is limited to 20 km per hour.  Parking is forbidden, except where there are visual markings.  B.Y.

This has to be one of the worst ideas that I’ve ever heard of, especially with the deplorable driving habits that have become the norm here. And have we forgotten the tragic death of the toddler a few years ago in Redmond Town Center (by a slow speed vehicle)?  -- Blog reader.


Anonymous said...

I think Redmond already lost its charm a number of years ago, as soon as anything over two stories was built. I fell in love with Redmond a long time ago when there was still a feed store and the train still came through. I never bargained for a city. But I can't afford to move, so I'll continue to love the remaining green spaces as much as I can.

Anonymous said...

This has to be one of the worst ideas that I’ve ever heard of, especially with the deplorable driving habits that have become the norm here. And have we forgotten the tragic death of the toddler a few years ago in Redmond Town Center (by a slow speed vehicle)?