Thursday, August 4, 2022

"Water Lily Impressions" by Lynn Colwell


"Water Lily Impressions"  by Lynn Colwell

"When I am complimented on my photography, I admit to having “a good eye.”
"I was walking back to the condo after a disappointing half hour shooting when I noticed striped light falling on these lily pads. I added a bit of contrast to end up with a keep-worthy shot. The secret to developing a good eye is to LOOK and light is almost always key."

Viewpoint neighborhood

Lynn Colwell, who had been told by a teacher at age 10 or 11 that she should engage in other endeavors than art, finally gained the courage to try it anyway at the age of 69. For the last eight years, she has been turning out almost one piece a day, all of which she gives away for a donation of $25 or more to any nonprofit or person in need. Photography has been a lifelong passion. She often combines her art and photography to create new digital pieces. She’s lived in Redmond with her husband of 53 years, for seven years.

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