Saturday, July 9, 2022

Update: 2022 Derby Days Grand Parade

Our City Council members are rounding the corner!  Council member Jessica Forsythe is the festive one in yellow sneakers.  She's Council President.  Do you see Council member Vanessa Kritzer with the baby bump?  She's making modern history in Redmond as the first ever pregnant Council member! 👶 Vanessa is Council Vice President in a very challenging year.  (Rent regulations, Tree regulations, Public Safety Levy, Town Center amendments, Evans Creek realignment, Senior Center funding decisions and on.)  Councilmember David Carson marches as the senior member with over 13 years under his belt.  Councilmember Melissa Stuart (in red) lives in Overlake Urban Center where representation is sorely needed.  Varisha Kahn is back from a long illness marching with hat. Jaralee Anderson poured OJ at the firefighters' breakfast.  Steve Fields wasn't seen. 
click to enlarge

Former Mayor of 16 years, Rosemarie Ives and Jerry Torell hold the banner as the Redmond Historical Society members march with organic vegetable and fruit costumes, in concert with the parade's sustainability theme.  

-- Bob Yoder, picture and video, 7/9/2022


John Reinke said...

Nice video clip of the Redmond City Council members, Bob!

John Oftebro said...

To my Derby Days' “Stars”— A Huge Thank You!

Well, after two years on hiatus, the RHS came back in flying (walking) colors this past weekend.

So, many thanks for great work in the following areas:

Planning: Halee Turner, Mary Hobarik, Dean Jowers and Joe Townsend of the Collections Committee, plus Laura Lee, Paige , Janie and Deborah for a combination of ideas around sustainability. Thus the “March of the Vegetables and Fruits” for the Grand Parade! Halee and team constructed recycled paper products into the fruits and vegetables, flowers and signs…. And several of us helped to paint Halee’s masterpieces!

Volunteers: Thanks JoAnn, for working hard to arrange the Parade Marchers and Booth Coverage!

The Parade: Led by Past-Mayor Rosemarie Ives and Jerry Torell (The Pied Piper & the Bicycle Capital of the PNW Sign Designer) carrying our RHS banner, Halee pulling Paige’s yellow garden cart with homemade flowers, bees and signs, and others (Patsy Rosenbach, Lyle Hanson, Mary Horabik, Catherine Garrett and Nicole Mihaylova) carrying various painted cardboard vegetables, and dashing around were Deborah and John Oftebro dressed as a Spoon and Fork! I think we burned up a lot of camera storage by the number of photos and videos taken by onlookers. All of this while we handed out about 500 little paper Bees with flower seeds inside for planting, and at the same time trying NOT to step in the fertilizer deposits from the Rescued miniature horses just in front of us! Directly behind us were the Little Bit Equestrian group who were actually handing out little gift bags OF manure!

The Booth: Many thanks to Bob Yoder who helped John set up the booth on Friday, and to Halee for getting all the goodies (pamphlets, newsletters, sign-ups, the windmill craft project) as well as the information board showing Redmond’s history of sustainability, and for meeting me before the parade at 7:30 am to get everything prepared for our booth visitors. Our booth teams consisted of Joe Townsend, Deb Akerstrom, Patsy Rosenbach, Nichole Mihaylova, Mary Horabik, Deborah and John Oftebro. We all had many visitors inquiring as to what is the RHS, lots of kids putting together the windmills, and even some asking to be volunteers!

Here are some photos to help tell the story. The weather was super and lots of folks were on the sidewalks for the parade and enjoying the booths, music, food, drink and carnival rides. I think the weekend was a HIT and it was wonderful that we participated. On the heels of the Mayor’s Ribbon-Cutting the week before, it’s been quite a run to begin the summer, AND we’ll be at the Saturday Market this coming weekend!

Thanks again, everyone, for your participation and all you do for the Society!
