Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Council Reviews "Senior & Community Centers" Expenses

At today's Committee of the Whole meeting Council reviewed Opsis Architecture’s "contract supplement for construction administration services." It totals $1,412,392.  Opsis is the primary architecture firm for the new Senior & Community Centers. 

Council also took note of the $5,211,638 "maximum amount" payable to Opsis Architecture upon completion..  

2023-2024 Funding sources for the new Senior & Community Centers are, as follows:

$17.116 million: Capital Improvement Program

$1.25 million State Capital Adopted Budget  

$1.648 million Surplus Park Impact Fees from 2019-2020

$2.486 million General Fund available cash from the 2019-2020 biennium and the 2021 fiscal year, 

$9.5 million Surplus REET and park impact fees from the 2021 fiscal year. 

$16 million Councilmanic bonds:  (Councilmanic bonds do not require a vote of the people.  Council members praised Finance Director Chip Corder for managing the issue and locking in a very low rate.

Total:  $48,000,000

-- Bob Yoder,  6/28/2022

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