Monday, April 4, 2022

Kirkland Residents Suing City of Kirkland and King County Over Plans for "Homeless Hotel"

A group is suing the City of Kirkland and King County over the county’s plan to convert a Kirkland hotel to a permanent supportive housing site for people who are chronically homeless.

"Keep Kids Safe," a group of Kirkland residents and parents whose children attend schools near La Quinta Inn & Suites, allege in the lawsuit that city and county officials didn't hold public meetings that were required before King County bought the site in March.

King County paid $28.1 million for the 121-room building, according to the Department of community and Human Services, with money from Health Through Housing program financed by a 0.1-cent sales tax to buy hotels, motels and other sites with single rooms for emergency and permanent housing.

-- Paige Cornwell, reporter for the "Seattle Times," 4/4/2022
   The article is truncated and excerpted by Bob Yoder. 
   The entire article and a photo is here.

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