Saturday, March 5, 2022

UPDATED: The Odyssey Of A Lost Wallet

My thin red wallet was found and amazingly returned to our doorstep!
A huge shout-out to the unbelievably kind person who found my wallet and returned it entact to my to my front door.  I totally couldn't believe my luck! It was an awesome example of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  I'll never forget it.

I wish I could have thanked them but a note or number wasn't left. My relief, in order of emotional intensity:   OMG, there's my wallet on the front doorstep!!  Now I don't have to call for a new credit card, update all my auto-payments, or replace my driver's license.  Even the cash was untouched.

I hope you've never, ever have the painful experience of losing your wallet.  My recovery attempts were were obviously futile.  With frustration and worry, I frantically checked my pockets. My worry turned into mild panic while retracing my steps:  Ooba Tuba, Pharmaca, Staples, and QFC. Nothing.  I looked inside my car and pockets one more time.  My last big hope was searching the parking lot. No luck.

Here's my guess:   My  smart phone and wallet were together in the same pocket; when pulling out my phone for a call the wallet came unbenounced with it, slipping onto to the parking lot. My wife threatened to buy me a nerdy phone holster  Yep, I'm motivated that much more to be careful! 😨☝

-- Bob Yoder, 3/5/2022 

While on the subject of protection the police advise locking your car and closing the windows when it's not in use.  There's been a rash of thievery of late.


John Reinke said...

I'm glad you got your wallet back safe and sound, Bob. Thank God for kindhearted honest folks!

Bob Yoder said...

I was dumbfounded. Never been so lucky in a long time!