Friday, March 4, 2022

Kringles Bakery Reaches Out For Community Support

Hi Bob! I thought I'd suggest you do a story on Kringles Bakery and the difficulty they are having paying off their landlord and staying in their location. They are doing a gofundme campaign. I think their story may be representative of a lot of what's happening to small businesses in Redmond right now.

-- Emily Johnson, 3/4/2022 Thank you Emily!

Photo credit / Four Square

Kringles Bakery is the yellow "cottage" building located at the junction of Cleveland Street and Redmond Way. You can't miss it! They've been in this location for nine years. The bakery is a flagship small business for Redmond owing it's high visibility, support to our community and amazing, one-of-a-kind kringles! OMG they're good, but notch your belt accordingly.

This is a bakery that really cares about our community. Every Sunday the Redmond Assembly of God parashers pick up baked goods for their morning. Rev. Robroy Ranger sometimes holds small group meetings in the quaint seating area. Day old goods are recycled back to the community. I know they do a lot more.

In these pandemic times, Kringles has one really good thing going for it. Councilmember David Carson is a frequent customer. I've chatted with him twice there; he's usually on his computer. David has strong ties with One Redmond, an organization that supports small businesses.

Kringles still needs community support in a big way. Donate what you can to the: gofundme campaign.!

Thanks for supporting Redmond's small businesses! 

-- Bob Yoder, 3/4/2022

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