Saturday, December 4, 2021

District Goes To New School Board System

The school district is using a new platform (BoardDocs) for providing government information on  School Board activities, their meetings, meeting agendas, the extended agenda, Board videos, and the like.  To shed some light on the platform, below are some helpful links:  

Monthly Regular Board meetings [erratic] are televised on Comcast Channel 26 at 7 p.m.  To get email updates on upcoming school Board meetings:

To find upcoming Board meetings agendas, meeting dates, times and Board videos.  Importantly, meetings are live streamed here:

**Public comments are taken at 7 p.m. Business meetings by phone or in writing to or

To find Board meeting archives click this link:  The left margin provides in-depth Board meeting information (which will take you to BoardDocs. 

To find the Board webpage: 

If you have any questions email: 

-- Bob Yoder,12/4/2021

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before BoardDocs, the school board meetings used to have a "board packet" that contained all the information that would be presented to the board members so that the public knew what was going on in the district. The "board packet" contained lots of useful information including formal resolutions that the board passed to make decisions for the district. Go to the archives and compare a board packet from 2018 with the meeting agenda on BoardDocs that is available now. The new "BoardDocs" is so inferior to the old document system (and the district is probably paying a lot more money for the technology.)