The availability of hundreds of dwelling units, office spaces, and retail businesses so close to a transit center is highly beneficial to a community. This availability promotes the ability to walk to work, the grocery store, and surrounding businesses. The proximity to a transit center assists with the need for less cars, and increased affordability for residents.
The subject site is approximately 2.3 acres in area. The site itself is bound by NE 85th Street to the north; a 4-story multi-family building and 3-story multi-family complex located to the east; a Metro Park-N-Ride transit center to the south; and a City of Redmond Fire Station to the west. Across NE 85th Street, is both a one and a two-story retail and office [Village Square] building. (The zoning surrounding the site in all directions is "Town Square."
Staff notes that the proposal includes two new visually distinct towers identified as Towers “A” and “B”. These towers will provide new opportunities for housing, but will also include an office component in Tower “B” as well as providing new retail opportunities in Tower “A” to serve both the retail and employment needs for the users of these buildings, but also Redmond residents. The addition of the mid-block pedestrian path will further provide pedestrian oriented movement throughout the area.
Source: Design Review Board, 2021
I don't mind growth I just want to see the sidewalks out front at least eight feet wide. I also want to see some outdoor Public space for you in such ways as say outdoor dining without taking up the sidewalk. Redmond has not been very good at that...
Also I hear stairs in that means that any wheelchair user cannot get in and up and use that space
A couple of years ago I went to a Design Review Board meeting for this project. My interest was the color of the towers. I'm very happy to see "blue" is used. The architect appreciated my input. Anyone can speak up at these meetings, and they listen.
I welcome the downtown development, but we need to be mindful of the additional resources that development will require: schools, parks, public swimming pools, parking, etc.
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