Tuesday, October 26, 2021


  • How should the City work to increase its supply of affordable housing?

  • Should the City take steps to protect small businesses that provide many living wage jobs in Redmond? If so, what steps?

  • What should the city of Redmond’s priorities be when planning for significant growth?

  • Global warming is a concern for all of us. There are many proposals being discussed to require new construction and existing buildings and homes to become more energy efficient as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, all of these will add cost and may contribute to further reduction in housing affordability in Redmond. How do you feel the competing priorities of sustainability and affordability should be addressed? If one or the other should be given priority, which is it?

    Janet Richards, Redmond City Council, Position 2

    “… Microsoft is re-imagining their campus to be carbon neutral in the future … we can do this in an innovative way that enables us to continue on track from a sustainability and a housing perspective.”

    Steve Fields, Redmond City Council, Position 2

    “What I would like to see is more focus on the other factors that are driving up the cost of homes, which are the market forces, and this is something that we may have a little bit of control over.”

    Melisssa Stuart, Redmond City Council, Position 4

    “… our comprehensive plan update is the time to tackle the tough questions that are going to allow us to live out this vision of having both …”

    Dennis Ellis, Redmond City Council, Position 4

    “… I think that what we need to do still is not overly tax people at the expense of something that we may not even be able to manage.”

    Tara Van Niman, Redmond City Council, Position 6

    “… in terms of the end user costs, the government can step in and we can find ways to subsidize the building so that in the long run, they are providing the energy efficiency that we need them to.”

    Jeralee Anderson, Redmond City Council, Position 6

    “I don’t believe that they’re competing priorities. I believe that both sustainability and affordability are achievable.”

  • What in your opinion is the most important issue the City of Redmond is facing and what are your plans for addressing it?

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