Thursday, July 22, 2021

McDonald's is Concocting Something New

Double click to enlarge (see the pandemic-related sign?) Photo by Pam Yoder

Most of Redmond's original, long standing buildings are being torn down, thanks to the Growth Management Act.  This one passed the test and instead will be remodeled. (B. Yoder)

McDonald's is located within the "Anderson Park zone."  ACCORDING TO THE CITY PLANNERS, the Anderson Park zone "encourages development of a mix of multistory residential and office buildings and allows limited retail space in order to provide convenient access without diluting the more concentrated retail cores of the Old Town and Town Center zones. The Anderson Park zone also enhances the long-term pedestrian character of Redmond Way and Cleveland Street by including street-level building and landscape design.

The McDonald's remodel proposes to enhance the overall appearance of the building with an upgrade to the exterior building materials and change to the roofline. Overall, the intention of the building design is a more contemporary appearance closer in character to the new nearby contemporary construction. All existing trees on-site are to be retained and existing landscaping protected where possible. The proposed modification to the drive-thru lane (2 lanes) includes new landscaping, which provides more parking lot landscaping and more screening of the drive-thru from the parking lot."

For details go to this link.   

Design Review Board, 7/22/2021

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