Saturday, June 19, 2021

READ COMMENTS: Dennis Ellis To Run For Redmond Council Position No. 4


Dennis Ellis

5421 157TH DR NE


(425) 829-9250

Education: Gonzaga University, Bachelor Business Administration; Seattle University, 
Master in Science of Finance
Occupation: Senior Financial Analyst, The Boeing Company

I have been a resident of Redmond for nearly 30 years and love our city. It has been truly amazing to be a part of Redmond's transformation from a relatively small town to a still growing, beautiful city. However, as is the case many times, with growth comes some unintended consequences: traffic gridlock, urban planning miscues, and the demise of many small businesses in the community.

As your council member, I will bring my small business, finance, and corporate experiences to serve the people of Redmond and help solve these issues. Additionally, I will do everything in my power to provide city services to all as cost effectively as possible.

Finally, I proudly served my country in the military and took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States". I promise to take the same approach in serving our city. Thanks for your support.

--King County Elections


Dennis Ellis said...


I have been a proud resident of Redmond for nearly 30 years and love our city. It has been truly amazing to be a part of Redmond’s transformation from a relatively small town to a still growing, beautiful city. I will admit I have remained on the political sideline for the most part and generally agreed with its “Budgeting by Priorities” system implemented over the years which emphasized public safety—the number one essential for a safe, cohesive, livable city. However, after attending many of the debates during the last mayoral race, I noted that the issues being discussed had nothing to do with improving public safety, creating realistic plans to address traffic gridlock throughout Redmond, fostering a desire to attract new business to the area, improving infrastructure, nor interest in creating attractive affordable first-time housing opportunities. Instead, discussions focused on how soon the earth was going to burn up and how walking paths and bike lanes were gridlock solutions. At the time, neither of the mayoral finalist’s viewpoints represented most of its citizenry whose quality of life was declining while they struggled to get to and from work or find affordable housing options.

As your council member, I will bring my small business, finance, and corporate experiences and use them to serve the people of Redmond, working to solve these issues and others. Additionally, I will do everything in my power to provide city services to all as cost effectively as possible while holding our local government accountable to the people we represent. Finally, as a member of the military I proudly took the oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States”. I promise to take the same approach in serving our city. I will not forget the people who elect me to represent them. I look forward to being afforded the opportunity to make a difference and I thank for your support!

Dennis Ellis

Bob Yoder said...

Mr. Ellis lost me on this one:

"Instead, [mayoral]discussions focused on how soon the earth was going to burn up and how walking paths and bike lanes were gridlock solutions.]

He's completely out of touch.

I'll be voting for Ms. Melissa Stuart.

Anonymous said...

My website is:

Your vote would be an honor!