Thursday, June 17, 2021

UPDATE!! Safeway: "Masks Are Encouraged For Non-Vaccinated Customers" - Not Required


Redmond Safeway, 6/01/2021

This Safeway sign blew me away:  "Masks are encouraged for non-vaccinated customers."  Not required.
Subtitle:  "Safeway, Albertsons and Carrs care about the well-being of our Associates, Customers and Neighbors, as well as maintaining a safe and comfortable store enviroment." 

Fine print:  
"This does not apply to children under the age of 2 or those with the following exemptions:  Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disablility that prevents wearing a facecovering that could obstruct breathing or persons who are incapatitated, or otherwise unable to remove a facecovering without assistance.  Persons who are hearing impaired or communiting with a person who is hearing impaired where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication." 

NOTE:  A few weeks ago I was shopping in Costco without a mask when 97% were masked-up. I began to feel uneasy and mildly anxious so masked-up.  It helped.  After that one episode I've had no problems entering an establishment where masks aren't required; in fact I look for them.  I cherish the freedom and happiness from being vaccinated.  I also feel like I'm supporting our businesses.  I was fully vaccinated on February 20; all is well.  

-- Bob Yoder, 6/17/2021

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