Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Mayor Birney Presses to Create "Deputy Director" Positions

During Council's business meeting last night a "non-union non represented  pay plan" amendment sparked significant deliberations.

Reclassifying staff members to create three executive positions was at stake: 

1) Council voted 6-0 to hire a "diversity, equity and inclusion program manager."  LWSD has a Director working under Assoc. Superintendent Matt Cunningham doing similar work.     

2) I think the vote was 4-2 against "hiring" a Deputy Executive Department Director.  COO Malisa Files argued she needed all the help she could get.   

3) The vote for a Deputy Director of Technology and Information Services was tied. Mayor Birney broke the tie to approve the position. CM Carson voiced a strong need for the position.

Mayor Birney said she wanted to complete the organizational chart so every Director would have a Deputy.  Her reasons:  succession, "span of control," and it's not part of the budget. 

-- reported by Yoder, 4/7/2021

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