Saturday, January 30, 2021

King County To Relax Some COVID Restrictions On Businesses

On Thursday, Gov. Jay Inslee announced King County will soon be able to relax some COVID-19 restrictions on businesses as it enters Phase 2 of the Healthy Washington plan.

Beginning Monday restaurants may reopen indoor service at 25% capacity through 11pm. Indoor entertainment venues — including museums, gyms, bowling alleys and concert halls — can also reopen to 25% capacity. Bars that don’t serve food, however, will remain closed for the time being.

While these changes are possible due to modest reductions in King County’s COVID-19 rates, the confirmed arrival of the new COVID-19 variant provides another reminder that our work is not done. We must continue to do everything we can to slow the spread of the disease by following these common-sense public health practices: wear masks, keep physical distance, implement good ventilation and stay home when possible.

Read the latest Public Health blog post on the steps we can take to respond to the new variant >>>

-- Claudia Balducci, King County Chair, Position 6


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