Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Redmond Police Cars Changing Colors

The City is changing the color of their police cars from the present silver & navy to black.  This was news to the Council.  Apparently, the Mayor and staff made this change without including Council in the decision.  Three councilmembers openly didn't like the change. CM Jessica Forsythe said black is an intimidating color associated with military and is not compatible with the Redmond's welcoming character.  CM David Carson didn't like it at all though understood the reasons for it (cost.)  CM Vanessa Kritzer agreed with Mr. Carson.  

-- Council Committee of the Whole, 11/17

Bob Yoder


Unknown said...

I do not think CM Jessica Forsythe said black is an intimidating color associated with the military. I think it is more accurate to write that she said that black can easily be interpreted as an intimidating color when associated with the military... especially when a reason for the use of this color is as a "psychological force multiplier".

For everyone else, watch and listen here @ 43m:30s

And read the memo here

Great blog, and this certainly sounds like a good point worth discussing further as a community to make the best decision that is both inclusive and representative of the service the Police provide to us. Thanks!

Unknown said...

What a waste of money. Why does the color of the cars need to change? Put the city money to better use!

Unknown said...

The reason that the Redmond Police cars are silver and blue is because the Police Chief met with the officers and asked their help in designing the vehicles they would drive. They wanted a unique design that was not black and intimidating, and reflected the Redmond community. That Chief also tried to find vehicles that burned less fuel and had a smaller carbon footprint. So now we will have big, black SUV's with no community character. How much will that save us? Not enough.

Anonymous said...

Is this really a priority now? Is this how citizen's tax dollars should be spent? Mayor, couldn't you use this money to help small businesses instead?