Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Restaurants Are Starting To Close Owing To infected Employees. Permit Violations

So far, no Redmond restaurants have been closed; Kirkland and Bellevue each have one closed.

FAQ for religious and faith-based organizations updated
Minor updates throughout the FAQ with a heavier emphasis on full content updates for Questions #11 (accessing free face coverings) and #12 (about small group gatherings).

Duke's Chowder House closed by Public Health today, July 8th, due to COVID-19 transmission among employees

CDC updated the high-risk list. And it's not just older adults.
In spite of Washington State's ongoing efforts to contain it, COVID-19 is spreading more rapidly by the day, especially among people aged 20-40. And while they are less likely to become seriously ill from the virus, they can still spread it to friends, family and neighbors – without even knowing they have it. Many young people are also in the higher risk categories recently updated by the CDC.

Doing the right thing: restaurants and COVID-19
In response to rising COVID-19 cases county wide, Public Health – Seattle & King County is expanding efforts to educate and enforce compliance of Governor Inslee's Safe Start COVID-19 reopening requirements in food establishments.

Case report update
Public Health is reporting the following case numbers since yesterday:
  • 3,127 people have been tested for a total of 194,992 in King County
  • 113 new cases tested positive for a total of 11,319
  • 12 new hospitalizations for a total of 1,643
  • 2 new deaths for a total of 598
All other COVID-19 dashboards are posted at

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