Monday, July 27, 2020

Downtown Redmond Marymoor Link Extension Light Rail To Begin Construction

Starting soon: Sound Transit's light rail project near Marymoor Park

Parks ST Light Rail Marymoor

As soon as the week of August 3rd, Sound Transit will begin construction on the segment of the Downtown Redmond Link Extension Light Rail that goes along SR 520 at the northern boundary of Marymoor Park.
This construction activity will not directly affect the park nor require closure of any Marymoor facilities.
Sound Transit will install fencing around the construction zone along the north boundary of the park and expects to start removing trees within the construction zone as soon as September 1.
Sound Transit expects light rail construction near Marymoor Park to continue through summer 2023.
For more information
Ryan Bianchi, Community Outreach Specialist

Comment:  This is an environmentally sensitive project with a section of the rail running about 5 feet over Bear Creek. Scores of trees will be removed (most of them small.) Off site mitigation will be employed with higher ratios of tree replacements than normal. Also, there is a wetland downstream that will be dredged into a back-channel. This will be good for the salmon. Myself, a City engineer, a City planner and Redmond resident Susan Wilkins made the site visitation. -- Bob Yoder

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