Monday, May 4, 2020

SR 520 Trail Grade Separation

520 Trail Grade Map

Project Overview

Washington State has provided funds to grade separate the 520 Trail from vehicles at NE 40th Street. The project will construct a tunnel under NE 40th Street near the westbound SR 520 ramps.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements

The tunnel will enhance safety by moving much of the pedestrian and bicycle traffic away from the vehicular traffic on NE 40th Street. Travel times will also be reduced as tunnel users will not have to wait for the traffic signal. The tunnel is expected to attract additional walking and biking traffic to the area by increasing access to the freeway flyer stop, the Redmond Technology Light Rail Station, and Microsoft.
Project Number:  SEPA-2019-00967
Project Type:  State Environmental Policy Act
SEPA Project Details (PDF)

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