Friday, November 22, 2019

Seattle Times: "Sound Transit will keep collecting its car-tab taxes, despite I-976 vote"

Sound Transit will continue to collect car-tab taxes but avoid 
suing for now to overturn Tim Eyman’s tax-cutting Initiative 976, 
approved by voters statewide this month.

That strategy emerged from a transit-board meeting Thursday
 in which Eyman said he will run for governor against Democratic
 incumbent Jay Inslee, only to have the microphone cut off 
by transit-board Chairman John Marchione, who cited a board 
rule against campaign speeches in public-comment sessions.

Marchione emphasized that 53% of voters within the transit district 
sided for keeping the car-tab taxes and against I-976. That
 followed 54% district support in the Sound Transit 3 (ST3) 
balloting in 2016 to impose the tax increase. 

Significant cuts would delay projects to “provide our citizens with a 
path out of ever-worsening congestion,” he said, “that pollutes our air 
and warms our planet.”

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