Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Seismic Upgrades Recommended for 1996 City Water Storage Tank

The City owns and operates a four and half million-gallon (4.5 MG) water storage tank in SE Redmond. The tank is located at 18609 NE 65th St., near Fire Station 16 and Genie Industries. 

The steel tank was constructed in 1996 and is scheduled for exterior and interior paint recoating. The contract consultant, Gray & Osborne Engineers, has completed their preliminary evaluation of the existing tank coatings and the seismic structural design from 1996. 

The evaluation report recommends that the tank re-coatings move forward, and the seismic design be updated to higher structural performance level. 

This project will also make other improvements to the tank, installing new safety railings, storm gutters, support piping and telemetry system updates. The water tank will need to be taken off line and drained during construction to re-coat the interior surfaces and to upgrade the seismic system. The temporary shutdown will occur outside of the summer peak period. The shutdown will have no impact to water service because of the built-in redundancy of the City water system. 

-- Council Public Works Committee memo 

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