Tuesday, July 16, 2019

LW School District Employees To Receive A 3.1% Inflation Increase

The district entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Lake Washington School District Trades Bargaining Council to extend their current collective bargaining agreement for an additional year. Employees under this agreement will receive the 3.1% state determined inflationary adjustment. 

The district also successfully negotiated the contract reopener for compensation with the Lake Washington Education Association. The parties agreed to: 3.1% state determined inflationary adjustment; Implementation of new salary schedule including legislative minimums; increase substitute rate of pay and provide the 3.1% state determined inflationary adjustment.

Last year's data shows the consumer price index increased 2.1% in the Seattle area.

Sources:  Bureau of Labor Statistics, Western Information Office
                LWSD School Board Meeting Packet, September 17, 2018

Reported by Bob Yoder

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any news on the para-educator contract? There are new requirements by state and they are requiring more certification past what was asked last year, with no compensation increase. LWSD para-educators(who actually do the majority of the job in special education minus handling IEP's) are paid less than surrounding districts like Bellevue and Northshore. Would love to know if you have heard of anything