Monday, June 17, 2019

Fields Supports The LBGTQ Community

Hi everyone! I’m Sarah and the daughter of Steve Fields. To all the fathers in Redmond, Happy Father’s Day.
My dad is an amazing person and an even more amazing father. I have no doubt he is the best choice for Mayor of Redmond and will work incredibly hard on behalf of Redmond’s citizen and the community I grew up a part of and that he has lived in most of my life.
I know this is an important time in the campaign and how important it is to him to make time to meet you and hear your concerns and hopes for the future of Redmond but my dad and I planned a trip a year ago to Barcelona to attend, an event that represents something very important to me. Traveling together and having him with me at this event means the world to me.
Between all the activities we have planned, including cleaning up plastic from local beaches, I know he will still be working hard as a Redmond council member and as a candidate for Mayor of Redmond even while he’s traveling. It’s what he does. He is a 24/7 guy and puts his whole heart in to what he believes in. I believe in him and want you to believe in him too. I’m so grateful for the time I will get to spend with him in Spain and to be able to share this experience with him.

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