Wednesday, May 29, 2019

"Seattle Times" article on mayoral candidates

Angela Birney has served on the Redmond City Council since 2016 and is running for mayor.  (Courtesy of Birney campaign)
Council President Angela Birney
  "People who have been here a long time feel left out. 
 I want to make sure their voices are heard."  - Birney

“Our residents are our best city planners. We need to listen to them,” says mayoral candidate Steve Fields, who has been on the City Council since 2017.  (Courtesy of Fields campaign)
Councilmember Steve Fields
  "Our residents are the best city planners.  
We need to listen to them." - Fields

Andrew Koeppen works in real estate and has a printing business. The mayoral candidate says, “I may not have all the solutions, but I have ideas.”  (Courtesy of Koeppen campaign)
Small businessman Andrew Koeppen
 "Redmond has shown disrespect for Microsoft."  Mr. Koeppen likened it to "the 'rich uncle in a family' that the city should be thankful for." - Koeppen

-- Excerpts from The Seattle Times article  "Meet the woman and men who want to be Redmond's next mayor."  By Paige Cornwell, 5/28

1 comment:

JohnMichael_H said...

Read the full Seattle Times article. As an Education Hill resident, I liked Steve Fields' statement about getting Redmond ready for the arrival of light rail, and how people will get to and from the light rail station(s)

John Harrington