Wednesday, January 16, 2019

PTSA Council Endorses Levy

LWPTSA Council Endorses and Supports LWSD Levy
At the January 2019 general membership meeting, the LWPTSA Council voted to endorse and support the LWSD Capital Projects Levy on the April 23rd ballot.
The LWSD levy addresses immediate capacity needs and district-wide safety measures. If passed, the levy authorizes a six-year levy totaling $120 million or an average of $20 million per year for six years. The levy maintains the current tax rate with no rate increase. 

Levy projects include: 
  • Classroom additions at Lake Washington High School, including auxiliary gyms and commons
  • Classroom additions at Carson Elementary, Franklin Elementary, Rose Hill Elementary, and Twain Elementary, including expansion of core facilities where feasible
  • Critical safety projects, including adding exterior security cameras at elementary schools and entry modifications for security at Eastlake, Redmond and Lake Washington High Schools. (Juanita High School's entry modifications will be added during the current construction project.)

For more information on the LWSD 2019 levy website.

Are you registered to vote? If not sign up here!

The Administration  has informed me the classrooms will be brick and mortar, not portables.  BY 

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