Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Link Light Rail to Redmond

Link Light Rail to Redmond Project Summary

Sound Transit is extending light rail from Seattle to Redmond, with four stations in Redmond. Two stations, Overlake Village Station and the Redmond Technology Station, will open in Overlake in 2023. These stations are now under construction.

Two stations will open in 2024, one in Southeast Redmond and another in Downtown Redmond. The Downtown extension is in design, with Sound Transit preparing to solicit proposals from design-build teams this fall to complete design and construct the extension. Light Rail Extension to Downtown

The Downtown Redmond Link Extension is the 3.4-mile extension of light rail from the future Redmond Technology Station at NE 40th St. to the terminus station in Downtown Redmond.

Street Closures During Construction While most light rail construction for the Downtown extension will be along SR 520, limiting impacts to city streets,

There are five areas that will be significantly impacted by construction:

The Overlake “Triplets”

1. NE 40th St. at the eastbound SR 520 ramps

2. NE 51st St. at the eastbound SR 520 ramps

3. NE 60th immediately east of SR 520 Downtown Streets

4. NE 76th St. between 164th and 170th Aves. NE

5. 166th Ave. NE between NE 76th St. and Cleveland St.

Source:  Council Study Session memo of 8/28.

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