Wednesday, February 14, 2018

UPDATED: Redmond mother appeals to council for Green power resolution

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Rachel Molloy's daughter stands up for the environment
At the last Regular meeting of  Redmond City Council, Redmond resident Rachel Molloy stood up to ask Council for a resolution to close Costrip, MT mining  2025 and replace it with clean energy and no new natural gas."

Ms. Molloy asked the council and the public to join the City of Kirkland and the City of Olympia on a trip to Renton, Wednesday, February 21st to speak to the "Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission."  The commission is reviewing Puget Sound Energy's 20-year plan for supplying their rate payers (us) and King County with energy.  Currently, 60% of PSE power is supplied by fossil fuels -- coal and fracked gas -- and the commission could "lock these fuels in for three decades."  If you can't make the trip to Renton, write the commission on their Public Comment Form or call them toll free 1-888-333-9882. 

The City of Redmond is a member of the King County Climate Collaboration and passed three ordinances to commit to Green energy.  Council was influenced by Ms. Molloy's talk and decided to hold a study session on February 27nd to consider drafting a resolution to commit to clean energy.

-- B. Yoder

Source:  Regular council meeting, February 6th.

Amazing Seattle Times article on Colstrip, MT mining -- 2 plants to close in four years!

Sign up HERE for PSE's Green Power residential renewable energy program.

1 comment:

John Reinke said...

Thanks for the post about Rachel Molloy's comments on Green Power to the City Council. I'm encouraged to learn that the Council will now consider making a commitment to Green Energy.