Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tanyika Padhya, Council Candidate Position 4

Tanika Padyha


Ensuring balanced growth
I believe that while our city is growing, Redmond has the heart of a small town.  Its unique neighborhoods, parks and trails and thriving economy, have made it the number one city to live in Washington. 
However, our city is on the cusp of change with record growth in the region that requires smart planning that preserves our residential neighborhoods, protect rural areas, and safeguards our natural resources.  This growth poses many challenges and opportunities.  I am committed to continuing my work on:  
  • Low impact development that preserves our natural resources
  • Supporting both small and large businesses so they can thrive
  • Revitalizing our aging community centers
  • Maintaining our parks and trails
  • Complying with the Growth Management Act to ensure transportation and infrastructure funding for Redmond
  • Promoting multi-modal transportation options such biking, carpooling, increased bus service and light rail
  • Monitoring transportation projects in order to ease traffic congestion

Safeguarding Affordable housing

 I believe we need to keep a healthy economic market, but also insure that Redmond is affordable for a variety of income levels. We must work with all stakeholders to achieve results and ensure that affordable housing prices are not set at market rate prices. 
As a young couple in the height of the dot.com boom in Berkeley my husband were only able to afford an apartment that was converted from a garage.  We need to have diverse housing options in Redmond which benefit both the landlord (extra income) and the renter (reasonable rent).
By being creative and mindful, we can increase and diversify housing options that support young people just starting out to seniors on a fixed income.
I support:
  • Regional partnerships and coordination with non-profit organizations that deliver affordable solutions
  • Support measures that would make it easier to create Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) and cottage style housing
  • Monitoring and adjusting affordability rates as needed

Community engagement/diversity
Local government is only as strong as its ability to truly represent the will of the people it governs.  I am a member of the stakeholder group for the Community centers which had a huge turn-out for community conversations and online feedback.  As a result we were able to deliver recommendations to the council which were recently adopted to make progress on our aging community centers within the next 5 years.
I’ve also had the opportunity to meet with residents, hear their concerns and answer questions at council hosted neighborhood conversations.  I enjoy speaking one on one with community members and believe it is important for me understand people’s concerns and how I can best represent their interests.
I feel strongly about supporting people of all faiths and cultural backgrounds.  I was thrilled with the City Council passed the Cultural Inclusion Resolution and I would like to build on that momentum.  I have been reaching out to community groups to see how we can partner together to make sure that all our community members feel welcome and safe in our city.  Finally, my distinct perspective as a parent raising young children in our community, and someone who embodies two different cultures, enables me to identify with many residents who have felt underrepresented in our local government

_ Tanika P.

WEBSITE:  Tanika Padhye, Position 4 

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