Friday, August 4, 2017

Steve Fields thanks community for high voter turnout

Credit:  down pour coffee bar
When I went to "down pour coffee bar" this morning I ran into Steve Fields, winner of the Primary for City Council Position 2. He asked me to thank everyone for the high voter turnout. The turnout  was over 35%!  Steve's wife, Roni, owns the cafe. I enjoyed an indescribable americano. The taste was something I've not found at "Charbucks" or any other cafe in Redmond. (Councilmember David Carson would love it.) Roni looked hard and wide to find the "Sleepy Monk" coffee roast from Cannon Beach, OR. It's a must sip!

Besides enjoying an awesome americano, down pour is a good place to meet Steve and tell him what's on your mind.  Steve's usually at the shop on Thursday's between 2 -4.  He can also be reached at 425-444-3188 or by e-mail at His candidate website is  He has an impressive site.

Byron Shutz is in the General Election as well. He's facing off to Steve for Position 2. According to the city website, Byron's e-mail is and phone number is 425-556-2143.  His website is: His vision for the city may catch your eye. Byron's very active with the Redmond Kiwanis; you can find him at most of their meetings and fundraisers.

Bob Yoder

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