Friday, May 19, 2017

UPDATED, 5/21: Hawks Glen

Quadrant removed this brick rambler, oversized garage and barn; the demolition was covered with straw

You are looking at land Quadrant names "Hawks Glen," formally "Ray Meadows."  It's 9.77 acres. Is this the last vestige of undeveloped agricultural land in Redmond? (The Conrad Olson Farmstead is a "park" and Keller Farm, a Mitigation Bank.)  A city employee in Planning said three other Preliminary Plats remain....two on Rose Hill and I think one in No. Redmond.  I doubt they're undeveloped agricultural lands. [still investigating this]

Hawks Glen has been unfarmed for as long as I can remember.  I think Councilmember Hank Margeson knows who owned it. It was sold to Quadrant by a limited partnership for $2.9M.  Matt Perkins, the Quadrant Manager said the land was ditched and used for agriculture.

The parcel is located in North Redmond on NE 116th and 178th Ave. NE.  It will be subdivided into 27 residential lots, including a duplex for affordable housing.  According to Matt, construction will begin in 2018; so expect additional car trips on Red-Wood, 166th and Avondale roads starting 2019-2020.  Below, is some interesting habitat, fish, and drainage data found in the permit file:

Monticello Creek –The on-site stream enters the property from the north, flows south/southeast, and exits the site on the east property line. It's not intermittent.  It flows into a culvert near the east property line and under 178th Avenue NE. The on-site stream is known to support resident Cutthroat trout (Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife). Coho salmon presence has been documented immediately downstream of the site by the City of Redmond. (Can't you just see a farmer and his kids fishing this creek?) There are no known obstructions or fish barriers within the Stream A channel on-site. According to the City of Redmond, this stream is a Class II stream and receives a 150-foot buffer consisting of a 100-foot inner buffer and a 50-foot outer buffer.

Fish Habitat:  According to WDFW Priority Habitat mapping, the on-site stream is inhabited by resident cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki). Coho salmon presence has been documented immediately downstream of the site by the City of Redmond. This stream connects to Bear Creek, which is also known be habitat for Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, Sockeye salmon, and steelhead trout (WDFW Salmonscape). These additional salmonid species may use the on-site stream since no barrier is documented between Bear Creek and this tributary. Ideal spawning conditions appear to be somewhat limited, due to limited gravel and pools within the stream. The stream appears to have potential for smaller resident species as well.

DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE PATH Basin 1 The north portion of the site contains gradual to moderate slopes. Runoff sheet flows into the north fork of Monticello Creek and continues east where crosses beneath 178th Ave NE in a 10’ diameter bottomless culvert. The creek continues east approximately 230 LF where it converges with an unnamed tributary to the creek. Monticello creek continues downstream approximately 2,700 ft before discharging into Bear Creek which runs for approximately 5 miles before discharging into the Sammamish River.

One Landmark tree was removed and will be replaced with 3 trees.  There are 4 wetlands on the parcel.  One is a valuable type II.  At least one of the wetlands is forested. I'm going to ask Mr. Fischer if any of these wetlands will be removed and replaced on the off-site Keller Farm Mitigation Bank.  

 - Parcel 2526059067

Communications Manager

Redmond, WA
 - The City of Redmond purchased approximately 83 acres of floodplain on the Keller Farm to facilitate environmental restoration. The area in question is located north and west of Bear Creek and east of Avondale Road.

The city has contracted with Habitat Bank LLC to create a state certified wetland mitigation bank on the property. Habitat Bank will design, permit and install environmental enhancements on the area. Habitat Bank will be responsible for site maintenance, and will maintain the site for at least ten years after restoration work is complete to ensure the establishment of the native plants. 

Conrad Olson Farmstead, 18834 NE 95th Street

Conrad Olsen Farmstead

Now known as Conrad Olson Park, this property was part of Conrad and Anna Olson's farm established in 1905. The park is a reminder of the City's rural heritage and is part of the East Redmond Corridor Master Plan.

The Conrad Olson Farmstead is located near Bear Creek (a tributary of the Sammamish River) consisting of four buildings: a farmhouse, garage, shed, and a barn, and was built by Conrad Olson and his wife Anna.  [the barn is wrapped in barb-wire with COR logo attached; COR no trespassing sign on Olson Rd. entrance. by]

  --,  5/20/2017

In 2013, Redmond approved a Citywide Watershed Management Plan, which focused resources on six priority watersheds, one of which is the Monticello Creek Watershed. We are committed to fully restoring Monticello Creek to make it healthy for aquatic life and a valuable natural asset for the people who live, work, and play in Redmond.


Constance said...

The Curry's use to own most of that side of the street back in the day. I use to buy hay from Mr Curry in the early 90's, and graduated from Redmond High, with one of his son's in 1970. 116th from Redmond Woodinville Road to Avondale was a pleasure to drive on admiring the farms.

Bob Yoder said...

I get so sentimental over things like this; I don't know why. In 1970 I was just starting college in Ohio. I moved to Redmond in 1978 and can't remember the contiguous farms on 116h.