Saturday, May 20, 2017

Downtown Park Groundbreaking 2

Image may contain: 9 people, people standing, wedding and outdoor
Credit/Jeni Craswell

Nancy McCormick (retired CM) is far left.  She's a strong advocate and defender of the Downtown Park. On the night of her retirement from Council she gave a check towards the Downtown Park to Mr. Mayor. Nancy is now a member of the One Redmond Foundation.  Rep. Joan McBride of the 48th District is right of Nancy.  Councilmember David Carson is the tall guy in the blue shirt. Molly Hill, the wife of Sen. Andy Hill is speaking. Mr. Mayor is behind her. King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert was present.  Is that John Aftebro  (V.P. RHS) in the foreground with the blue cap?

The photographer, Jeni Crawsell was Marchione's 2007 campaign manager, the Executive Director of  "Realize Redmond" (precursor to the One Redmond Foundation) and now works for Hopelink.

An individual on Facebook thought the Park should be named after John Couch, the city's Park director of 30 years.  Nancy McCormick the "Facebook park defender" responded a park can't be named for someone until they've been deceased for at least 2 years.

Photo source:  Facebook

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