Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Redmond Trifecta

Redmond, WA. USA is a community of diverse neighborhoods with vibrant urban centers - inspired by culture!

Credit: VALAEstside
I literally bumped into the Extravaganza festival - filled with lots of cheerful East Indian families -- on my way to visit VALA's "Redefining We" art exhibition.  Unfortunately, the exhibit is now over.

The exhibit is really cool because it displays the photographic art of two cultures with a nature backdrop....the Redmond Trifecta!

I really hope VALA will bring it back someday.

 -- Bob Yoder


Bob Yoder said...

The Mayor says on his website: "We are community of connected neighborhoods with vibrant urban centers - inspired by nature, powered by innovation, and committed to excellence."

In truth, Redmond is a community of connected neighborhoods with vibrant urban centers BECAUSE we're inspired by nature AND cultural diversity. We've evolved. If the Mayor doesn't recognize this than it's probably bad PR.

Redmomd is no longer all about evergreens, woodland trails, creeks, salmon, heron, birds and bees! :)

Marlene said...

Bob - this is the second time we've had Redefining WE at VALA. It's been very popular and we hope to have it a third time. We've got some amazing programs planned through the summer months, including Redmond Arts Festival. Check out our website for more details.

Bob Yoder said...

The Nature component had something to do with "sands" I'm looking into it.