Wednesday, April 19, 2017

OPINION: "Who We Are"

The City should re-work it's Mission, Vision and Value phrases as found on the Mayor's web page....especially the Vision.

The Mayor's Vision is:

"We are a community of connected neighborhoods with vibrant urban centers - inspired by nature, powered by innovation, and committed to excellence."

This sounds very good but we're inspired by more than nature. We've evolved rapidly in 4-6 short years and we're much more diverse.  Yes, we love very much our trees, creeks and trails and all that comes with them. We have a culture that embraces all these beautiful things.  But with our new-found diversity we're also inspired and blessed with the spice of other cultures, as represented by art.  The City can be more inclusive by expanding and promoting the presence of art. "Who we are" could be summarized:

"We are a diverse community of connected neighborhoods with vibrant urban centers - inspired by nature, arts and culture, powered by innovation, and committed to excellence."

Redefining who we are gives us a starting point for writing a concise and valid Vision Statement. Last week our new Council member Tanika Patyea told me a new Vision Statement will be written within the next four years. She is East Indian and Chair of the Parks and Human Services Committee and she's very smart. Our new Council is now better positioned to keep up with the times and advance change. 

I hope one day Council will rename the "Parks and Human Services" committee "Parks, Culture and Human Services."  From the standpoint of good Public Relations the Mayor should edit his web page.  

-- Bob Yoder

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