Friday, April 21, 2017

UPDATED: City and School District Vision Statements

The Community's 2015 City Vision Statement:

Image result for vision statement images"In 2030, Redmond citizens will describe their community as one that is complete, offering a wide range of services, opportunities, and amenities. It’s a community that has acted to maintain a balance among the three pillars of sustainability, while accommodating growth and change. As a result, Redmond’s high quality of life, cherished natural features, distinct places, and character are enhanced. The community’s evolution has successfully woven the small town feel of older, established neighborhoods with the energy and vitality of Redmond’s urban centers. The result is a place where people are friendly, often meet others they know and feel comfortable and connected. It is a place where diversity and innovation are embraced, and action is taken to achieve community objectives. It’s a place that is home to people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, which contribute to the richness of the city’s culture." 

A councilmember recently told me a new community Vision Statement will be written in 4-5 years. Will the community write it for 2040 or 2050?  Is that why?  Or, could it have something to do with the One Redmond Foundation? I don't think they were in existence in 2015.  

The Lake Washington School District's 2014 Vision Statement is:

"Every student will be Future Ready, prepared for College, the Global Workplace and Personal Success."

The District's Statement is excellent; it's clear, concise and easily shared.  It's a useful tool for Public Relations. 
-- Bob Yoder

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